29 Nope not dead just living with me

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I ran to my locker as soon the bell ran for home time and of course Adrian was leaning on there. And thankfully there are still students around hurrying to get out of here so I have exactly 2 minutes before they empty out. I stepped in front of him and he smirked before he slowly slid over to the next locker. I quickly opened the door and Adrian started poking into my mind again, he's been trying to do that all day. And it's been really ticking me off. Not to mention how weird Olivia's acting and the fact that Cole thinks Luke is dead oh I have had rough day.

"Let me in..." Adrian whispered right in my ear and I growled at him.

"Leave me alone." He kept prodding at the wall surrounding my thoughts and I sighed.

"Come on please." I stared at him surprised.

"Did my ears deceive me? Did you Adrian Roth, the most pompous, thick headed man I've ever met just say please?" I mocked and he rolled his eyes then scooted closer.

"That's how desperate I am. I need to know what you know other wise I can't help you." He said seriously but his face is literally inches away from mine so now I'm a fit nerves on the inside. I once used to dream about kissing those lips... But now it's just so wrong. I packed my school bag and just chose to look at anything but his eyes.

"I never asked for your help. But if I ever do need it I'll call you." I said then began to walk past him and he grabbed my arm forcefully.

"Promise." He's eyes are pleading me but I know not to trust him. No way never again.

"Promise." I whispered to him but held on for what felt like ours. We just stared at each other trying to find... Something. I don't know what but I'm looking.

"Hey pussycat." You've got to be joking. I looked away from Adrian to see Scott strutting down the hallway. With his 'gang'. This time though no Jared or Matt, they're finally using their brains. Adrian let go of me and for a second I thought he might of just sank away but no he leaned there casually but his are eyes shooting daggers at Scott.

"You never used to let me call you pussycat."

"You think I let him. He does it to piss me off."

"There's that reason yes but there's also something else." Adrian said suspiciously the. Suddenly he grinned and chuckled to himself. I chose to ignore him and watch the king of fools stroll proudly towards me really offending the school uniform. Collars up, a few buttons undone to show some of his chest, wears the school's blazer nicely, sort of. And yet he can get away with looking like this. Looking like he couldn't be bothered to take off his uniform so he slept with it on.

"Dear Gods I'm out of here." I mumbled ready trot on but Scott apparently as usual has something to say.

"So how many guys have you given yourself to?" Scott sniped and I froze in my spot keeping my back facing him, either I can turn around and kill him now or walk off as if it didn't affect me.

"What did you just say to her?" Adrian spat out venomously which kind of made me feel good inside. But it's completely unnecessary.

"What's she to you?"

"Everything so if you insult her again..." I turned and realised how close Adrian had gotten to Scott. Right at his face and he was really genuinely upset. Cut out the genuinely, he's probably looking for an excuse to hurt someone.

"Adrian don't." I ordered and he looked at me all smug.

"I can take care of myself Elektra."

"I'm not worried about you I'm worried airhead over here." I head gestured to Scott and he was ready to come up with another smart remark but held my hand up to shut him up. "Save it for a rainy day. I'm too tired." I yawned then just casually walked off. I could have handled the situation better. Acting like a total badass but at recess today I got myself into some trouble. I don't know what happened they appeared out of nowhere and attacked. I'll explain later, right now I have a wolf driving my car and a wolf walking towards me to meet me at my car. I haven't told Luke yet so this should be good.

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