8 I left trouble for a reason now I have a wolf to worry about?

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(Edited 29 January 2015)


At her rickety and old house I gently sat the girl down on the top wooden step leaning her head on the pillar.

"Hey." I whispered stroking her hair. "What's your name?" She moaned fluttering her eyes open. Her pupils dilated and I can tell she's having trouble focusing on my face but then unexpectedly she just fell back wiped out. "Ouch." I felt her pain in the back of my head but I bit back a smile.

It's not funny she's seriously hurt... I burst out into hysterics.

I am such a bad person but it wasn't the fact that she hurt herself it was her face, the dazed drunk expression looked hilarious. That's all.

Yeah still a bad person but hey I got burnt for her might as well get laughter out of this. "Alright." I straightened her up again propping her up so her back is supported against the post and crouched there admiring her face. I should probably knock on the door and help her inside. Yes I have to help her so why am I dipping my nose in her neck breathing in this girl's scent like an animal? The next thing you know I'll be sniffing her ass and stick out my tongue waiting for a treat.

One sniff won't hurt since I'm a wolf after all this only normal but then the smell of her became addictive, it relaxed me and I rubbed my face against her smooth skin listening to the calm rhythmic pulse and her calm breathing.

I wish she would stir now and wake up so I could stop but even then I'm not sure if I would because her aroma is sending a hotness riding through my body sparking every nerve. It's like I was half asleep before but with her odour as a stimulus has made me wide awake and all I can see, smell and breathe is her. All I want to do is hold her to me again and protect her from all threats.

Now this is not normal.

She slumped forward and I gripped her hip whipping my head back shocked. Great I've been caught and she'll probably think I'm a creep. I stopped freaking out when I saw her eyes are still shut and she's completely unconscious and she only just fell forward because her head was too heavy. "What is wrong with me?" I just met the girl and I'm letting myself get drugged by her scent and feel the softness of her skin. Her skin... My eyes trailed down to where my hand is still on her hip and because the top is torn and burnt it's just her skin I'm touching. My fingers outlined the side of her waist riding up to what's left of the fabric and it almost seems like she is sending electric shocks through her skin into my arm. It's strange, how is her body doing that?

"Mum!" A young girl's voice called out inside the house and I fell back in fright. "She's gone! Mum!" That's my cue to leave and I panicked as lights began to switch on and footsteps pounded around the house.

I ran away back into the forest allowing myself to have one last look at her and noticed that her dark eyes were wide open watching me.

Was she awake that whole time?


Back in my room lay in bed sunrise unable to sleep a wink. She couldn't have been awake that whole time right? Why would she let me touch if she was? She would have pushed me back unless she felt just as relaxed as I was feeling.

How right it felt to have our skin touch... No that wasn't right. She was unconscious and I just felt her stomach while nuzzling her neck like some creepy perve. She must have been so terrified that she didn't know what to do.

I'm disgusting.

But then again what was she doing in the woods? A girl running around late at night through dangerous forests is not normal but maybe she was dragged in there by that witch. I still can't believe witches exist.... And she sent her owl to get help.

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