2 New home

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I suddenly woke up in the backseat of my mum's car. I let my little sister sit at the front so is as free to cry without them noticing. I can't bare this at all it's so painful. My heart is broken, even though there was nothing special going on between him and I it still hurts to lose such a close friend.

My cheeks are stained with my dried-up tears but I still rubbed my hands over them and then picked the sleep out of my eyes before staring out the car window. All I see are tall wild trees and a bare sky with only a few sparkling stars. Thanks a lot, pollution. I sniffled then hugged my big purple coat around myself. I know I'm frying in this coat as well as my pelt but I just don't care. I let sleep take over again.


I walked up the steps of our new home welcoming a new hopefully pain-free life. The air cold brewing made my mother and sister shiver but I'm too numb to really feel anything. My new home is in the woods well sort of, it's still close to civilisation but this is better for me anyway. I prefer being close to nature and I'm not too far from the rest of my Pride but far out enough that Adrian won't find me. More places to run, hide and explore let the inner cat play around.

I now have an entire forest as my backyard and I'm not complaining this is better than running around in the neighbourhood. I breathed in the cold air and exhaled a mist escaping my mouth. I looked at my sister. She's around eight years old long brown hair like mine just more what's the word I'm looking for... Buffy, poofy, wild? Only slightly.

She gave me a foul look which said she was in a really seething mood. Yep, she's still mad at me. It's not fair on her she didn't want to move but when my mum thought of the idea I had to encourage her.

She doesn't know what I am and I'm only trying to keep us safe. My sister knows and she won't accept that as a good excuse. It's not like she really had a good life, she always complained to me that she was bored. I turned away from her and reached for the front door with the new keys.

The door is a little dull compared to the one at my first home. This is one is wooden and has a few scratch marks on it and while the old one was wooden I remember its stained glass window, it was of a bird sitting on a branch this one is just sad and old.

I can't believe I'm complaining about a door.

Suddenly my skin started tingling and I gazed up at the night sky to see a full moon. You have to be kidding me! I quickly unlocked the door and My claws started extending, too long to hide in my pockets. Why now? Have I not been through enough? Why are the fates so cruel to me?

I glared over my shoulder at my mum and sister before I ran into the house with no time to analyse it and chose room upstairs to dump my things. It is a nice room with dark wooden floor boards and a dark shade of purple paint on the walls. What a coincidence I got a purple room, back at the first house I wasn't allowed to paint my walls purple so they remained a pale creamy colour. It also had lots of space to dance around in. What can I say I love to dance! That part of my life will never disappear, there's no way I can let Adrian stop me from my passion. My gums started hurting a little... Oh no here come the fangs. 

"Hey mum I'm exhausted I'm going to sleep." I cried out. Instead, my sister responded with the usual smart-ass response.

 "Where? We haven't set up the beds." I rolled my eyes thankfully she can't see because my vision has changed which means my ash formed into slits.

"I'll get some blankets and sleep on the floor!" Then pain in my stomach started and I bent over falling to my knees. This has always been a painful procedure. I have enough once-a-month problems now I have this to be added to my list of issues. Claire as per usual appeared out of no where closing the door for me and then knelt down in front of me patting my back. She goes everywhere with me because like I said she's my guardian witch and she will stick by me till the very end. Unfortunately.

"Wow you're eyes are so cool when they're yellow." She whispered. I don't have time for this I opened my window pounced on the ground landing swiftly on my feet and raced into the woods. I'm on all fours and my mind is whirling, on a full moon when I shift I'm not me I'm a monster...

The monster takes over and the next day I remember nothing of what I've done.

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