51 Something is wrong... I can sense it.

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Olivia and I sat quietly in the car as I drove. I didn't even allow her to put some music on because I don't need Dominic to hear me coming. This is the first outing he's been on in ages and Angel sent me the details directions to their 'meeting'. It's too early for this I've only had a couple hours sleep since the last night's hunt. It wasn't even Dominic just rebel vampires probably part of his scheme and I was with my Pride that time.

Olivia rather than seeming nervous she kept a calm collected attitude as if this were nothing but morning out. If I didn't have such good senses I would have almost believed she was really calm.

"We have a few hours before we have to be at school."

"I know don't worry we'll be there on time."

"Does Luke know about this?"

"Olivia I got the text half an hour ago plus I'm not going to worry him and give him a reason to come and find me."

"I think a werewolf would be useful in this situation."

"And if he's caught the vampires will realise he knows and he will be a threat and they will try to kill him." I stated a matter of factly making her widen her eyes.




"Don't say her name or she'll blow up out of nowhere screaming."

I am exhausted. I just want to tear a vampire's throat and go home! Do you ever feel that need to bash someone just because? No real reason just because.

Scott must feel that way everyday. Maybe that's why he's dick, he just lacks the amount of healthy sleep to make him a decent human being.

I totally get him now.

Still want to shred his insides but I understand him.


We got of the car and met Angel at the front of the park.

"Who's this?" Angel questioned leaning off a tree next to the entrance. She's in her usual black gear get up and I stuck with three-quarter black leggings and a black hoodie. Olivia put on a grey jumper and stuck with black tracksuit pants. Give us a break it's still dark!

"My friend Olivia."

"Hey." Olive greeted.

Angel crossed her arms over. "She's human."

"She's very persuasive." When I say persusasive I mean she is the most infuriating nagger of the century.

"I don't care about her communicating skills, she is a mortal what the hell is she going to do?"

"I tried reasoning with her. But you know how humans are. Especially females." I joked to lighten the mood.

"I'm right here! And what the hell does that mean?"

Angel held her hand up to shut my friend up. Olivia is fuming. "Off topic. She stays here."

"I agree."

"What? NO! I did not wake up at five in the morning to stand around!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Just do your photography thing." I suggested.

Angel groaned. "Take photos are you serious this isn't a media project."

"Listen Angel you are wasting more of our time with your complaining." I snapped at her which made her stiffen in surprise. "You said you saw Dominic."

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