23 Camping part 3

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Wasup monsters!? Here's the next chapter please do enjoy oh and I have some news. If any of you creatures or average humans have seen a water nymph anywhere let me know. I some how have misplaced one so comment below or message me if you have seen her anyway enjoy this chapter!

Meow for now


Half an hour, half an hour till midnight and these mortals are still up talking about boring events in their lives. I have to meet Luke at the waterfall..... IN HALF AN HOUR! I tried joining in the conversations but soon zoned out wondering what Luke must be doing now.

"Hey Elektra are you OK you seem anxious to be somewhere?" Olivia whispered.

"What do you mean?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"Well you have been asking me what time it is for the past hour so I'm assuming you're planning something." Wow that kind of makes sound desperate. I glanced at the guys who were busy talking about some recent sport game to make sure they weren't listening.

"OK you know how I Said before that I miss Luke?" She nodded and smiled sympathetically. "Well we planned on seeing each other." Olivia gave me an excited but confused look.


"In about 25 minutes, if they ever get to sleep." I said head gesturing to the men. She looked at the campfire deep in thought. And from what I can tell the thoughts aren't nice. She all of a sudden got up and yawned.

"You guys we're going to sleep." She said still yawning then gestured me to follow her to our tent.

"Goodnight girls." Olivia's father called out so we both yelled back a goodnight. We got into our tent and she zipped it up then whipped around and I prepared myself for whatever was about to come.

"Is this some kind of booty call?" She hastily said and I stared at her wide eyed. Of course she would think that I mean it is out of the blue and she can over exaggerate with the smallest things.

"No Olivia! First of all I am not that kind of girl and second he is not that kind of guy! Now at the moment I have to get past them but first! Something very important. What am I going to wear?"

"Elektra I don't think this is such a good idea. Don't get me wrong he's a really great guy I mean at Scott's party he kept asking me questions about you and looked really ticked off when he saw you go off with Scott. But still you can never be sure with guys." Meow what do I say to that.

"Olivia you don't need to worry I know what I'm doing. This is really important to me." I told her and she sighed then went through one of her bags searching for something and looking determined.

"Ok well just to be sure I have this taser that my dad got me..." Oh my Gods you have got to love her.

"Why did you bring it here with you?" I said shocked.

"When I heard Scott was coming I had to take precautions." She stated giving me the black taser.

"OK but how do I get past tweedledum, tweedledee and the dads?" I was more questioning myself than Olivia but she answered anyway.

"Simple." She moved around me and I realised there is another exit to this tent. I stared at it dumbfounded.

"What? But... How did I...ugh never mind." I unzipped the exit of this small tent then looked back at Olivia. "Sorry to be leaving you again."

"You owe me so I'm cool. I want details when you come back!" She said warningly then snuggled in her dark green sleeping bag.

"Where would I be without you?"

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