46 Sometimes I think Gods are no better than me

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My body leaped up and I crossed my arms bending my elbows so when I landed I slashed the swords swiping them across the air just missing her stomach. On purpose of course where's the fun if the fight lasts only a second. She flipped back then a silver blade sunk out from the skin of her arm and she flung it at my head. I knocked it away with my sword and charged at with full force but she held out her hands grabbing the swords in her hands, the blades having no effect.

"I have iron skin, that's how form iron spikes from my body you idiot." She sniped.

"Well then..." I smirked and kicked her stomach with my knee. I threw the swords up in the air and punched her in the face knocking her back onto the ground. She rolled back standing up and the swords laded back in my hands.

"Wait!" She shouted. "You have weapons let's just do this by hand."

"You have spikes."

"I won't use them." I thought about it. "The fight will be more worthwhile." She tempted.

"Alright but I'm keeping your sword." Both swords disappeared and immediately I charged at fullspeed crashing her into the wall. Then I punched her in the face and kept hitting her until she screamed in frustration making me laugh and she shoved me back. We tumbled over rolling away and I ended up plummeting down the first staircase and smacking my head into the wall. She gasped and a few of her front teeth fell out.

"You knocked out my teeth!"

"Sh we're at a library." I smirked sinisterly. She hissed spitting out blood and ran down the steps to kick me but I rolled up onto the wall and I started crawling away on the ceiling. She leaped up and followed on behind me so we were above everybody silently fighting each other -and making scratches and cracks on the ceiling-.

"You are so dead for killing my brother." She sneered.

"I thought all sisters wanted to kill their brothers." She didn't reply only swung her leg at my face but I caught with my hands just in time. "Going down." I threw her so she crashed onto a bookshelf knocking it over. I don't know what the mist would be showing to the people down there but right now I could care less. But I laughed when the bookshelf she landed on toppled to the right knocking the shelf, than that one knocked the next. "Oh dominios" I kicked myself down spiralling towards her then smashed my foot onto her abdomen making her gag and probably vomit a little. Alright I think I've caused enough destruction to last me a month. I extended my claws and slashed them at her but the ends broke off. I broke a nail... I analysed my now blunt broken nails and stared down at her intensely. "Interesting."

"Yeah so is this." She suddenly plunged something into my leg and I screamed at the burning and throbbing pain that started. I jumped back and stared down at the spike she inserted into my leg. "Sh we're at a library." I mocked then swung her leg up kicking my face but not knocking me over.

"I thought we made a deal?" I spat pulling out the spike.

She grinned, her pale eyes glowing with deceit. "Never trust a demon."

"Oh yeah I forgot that rule." I struck her heart with her spike and she gasped going pale, her lips turning blue before she melted into black gue. That's disgusting.


The annoying time of the day for me came -afternoon- and I simply wondered over to see Sarah at her Hotel. I think it's time I kind of tell her everything. I think? Maybe... I walked through the front doors and I noticed Tilli slowly walking my way and when she realised me standing there. She gave me a determind angry expression and stormed my way.

"Meow Till." I greeted then was taking aback by her flaring nostrils as she glared at me right in the eye. She's behaving as if she is challenging me. Is she? I have done nothing to wrong her so maybe... Or she's just being an idiot.

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