44 I woke up in Adrian's bed&Cole spat on a cheerleader

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The sleepiness still had a hold on me as I tried to open my eyes. And the softness of the bed isn't helping but I managed and found myself curled up with another lean body and an arm resting over my body locking me in place. Even if I wanted to escape this male's embrace I'm too tired to. I gazed up to see Adrian's sleeping face, his long blonde lashes and girlie lips just made him look to feminine. Assuming this is a dream I sunk back into my sleepy haze.

The light click of a door closing woke me up and my eyes fluttered open to a dark room I don't recognise. But it smells of him, it smells of his sweet fruity scent mixed with some kind of cologne. I dipped my head into the white pillow and engulfed his scent. Why am I in his bed?

Why am I in his room?





I whipped my head around being attacked by Adrian's scent from all corners of the room. I clutched the blanket to my chest as I analysed the room. This can't be his room his room is completely different. This room is huge, the walls are blood red, the floorboards are a light brown making the whole room seem warm. Up on the ceiling is a big crystal chandelier and scattered around the is a desk facing a huge window and balcony, there's a five metre wide bookshelf filled with millions of books and I felt a little envious in all the books he has. I love to read and seeing this bookshelf is like looking directly at heaven. He has a big cupboard across from the bed and oh my gods the bed sheets, soft as silk. I noticed a frame on the nightstand and as I looked closer at the photo I noticed it was a picture of him and I once upon a time when we were happy. He had bright shining smile and our arms were wrapped around each others shoulders while I was kissing his cheek. I remember that it was his birthday and I had snuck him out.

What time is it? It's already day time! I kicked the blankets off and found myself in just a t-shirt and my underwear.

I asked confused. "How did I...?" I gasped in realisation. "Son of a bastard." I snapped my fingers and dressed myself in tght black jeans and a grey shimmering tank top with my black high tops. There are three doors in this room I went to the one next to the bed and opened it wide to see a jacuzzi and bar. He has his own jacuzzi and bar in his room!? I closed the door and walked over the next one which was locked so I ran over to the furthest door on the far side of the room and it opened to an empty hallway and a red carpeted staircase. He always needs to feel like a movie star doesn't he?

"Adrian!" I shouted out angrily while descending the long staircase. "You better have used your powers to change me out of my clothes or I'm going to kick you where the sun don't shine!" Once I reached the bottom of this staircase I only found another one to my left so I rolled my eyes and stormed down them. "Always have to be dramatic and annoying. Always had to show off his wealth but act like he can live without it. Pretend to be soulful and caring... fucking pretending to be Jesus." I kept mumbling shitty things like that the whole way down the stairs and found an even bigger space on the left, an open living room and no walls to separate the dining room or the kitchen they all fit together in one big room. And I admit it is really nice and open for a guy as cold as he is. I found him at the end of a long glass dining table with his feet up and a bowl of some cereal in his hands. Once he saw me he pretended to frown with the spoon still in his mouth. He took it out and placed it in the bowl before putting the bowl down onto the table. He leaned onto his arm closer to me and even though he's pretty far from me I'm uncomfortable with his stance. Like he's going to run at me at any second so I walked to the opposite end of the table and stood behind the chair.

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