13 Guess who's back

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It all came back last night. The blazing fire, Adrian, the dagger. That look in his eyes. I woke up a dozen times last night crying because of that stupid look in his eyes. I don't want to go to school today. My mum startled me by knocking on my door.

"Elektra time to get up," She said then went downstairs. After a few minutes of loathing the world, I got out of bed pulled my uniform on and soundlessly walked downstairs. I was so quiet I startled both my sister and my mum.

"Morning Kalypso," I said and she yawned loudly at me. I can see she's ready to go.

"Morning... we going?" She asked stretching her arms out.

"Yeah come on." I walked over to Mum and gave her a peck on her cheek. Then I grabbed my sister's school bag and my own and walked outside to the car.

"Where did you go last night?" Kalypso questioned as soon as we were in the car. I put the key in the ignition and let the car rive to life. She heard me go out last night.

"I went clubbing with Sarah," I responded. She sighed.

"I meant when you came home you went back outside." She sounds annoyed. What's her problem?

"I thought I saw something," I said hoping she'd stop talking Unfortunately that's not possible for her.

"Do vampires know where we live?" She asked frightened. That's it. I pushed hard on the brakes and made the car stop abruptly.

"NO!... Have you been talking to Claire?" I'm really pissed off now. I'll kill Claire!

"She's helping me with a few spells she's- she's teaching me!" Claire is teaching my sister witchcraft!!! "I'm a Witch Elektra!" When she says it I literally ache inside. She is supposed to be my arch enemy and yet she is my sister. What are the odds?

"I know.." I started the car again and we rode on in silence.

I parked the car and Kalypso rushed out of the car to her friends. She forgot her bag. Groaning I grabbed her bag from the back and also mine and started for the year 8 corridor. Year 8's were everywhere even sitting on their lockers. Why are they all yelling? I spotted Kalypso with all her friends.

"Lipso!" I yelled out. It's just one of her nicknames. She turned around and I held out her school bag instead of coming to get it she beckoned me over. She's more lazy than me. I stood next to her smiling at her friends but there was one boy that caught my attention. He has brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. He stared at me intently. Have year 8 boys got more creepy or what? Then there were her female friends surrounding her and also a guy who had short black hair and was smirking at me. Uh like I said creepy...

"You guys this is my older sister Elektra." My sister said. Everyone raised their eyebrows, and I'm pretty sure one of the girls gasped. Either that or my hearing is failing me. Year 8's have gotten weird.

"Nice to meet you all," I said trying to break the silence. Then Scott came out from behind me. Oh, come on! The Fates must really hate me.

"Mingling with year 8's I see Elektra. What did I expect from a pussy cat, oh I mean cougar." He said trying to sound menacing. But I hope he knows how much of an idiot he sounds. "What can you do since no one in our year level is really interested in someone like you." He said mockingly then he laughed at his own joke.

"Now isn't just sad that you are laughing at your own joke... wow it just shows how self-obsessed you are," I said calmly. Now will he please leave me alone? 

He snickered then said, "Please tell me what it's like being alone, I'm very interested." I chuckled which caught him off guard.

"Wow Scott bravo you managed to say the word please I'm honoured." I put my hand over my heart and then stormed off. Bloody self-obsessed asshole who can't keep... Olivia distracted my thoughts by slamming it next to my locker.

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