30 Oh Claire I think I love you

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She stepped inside first and was blocked from my reach by Claire. I sighed in annoyance. Cole elbowed me and perked a brow at me so I rolled my eyes and let him walk ahead of me through her front door. I followed behind him as he checked the place out I edged around him to get closer to Elektra. Claire was playing around with the dogs mumbling something about fur and orange and I stiffened in horror.

"Don't even think about turning my dogs orange Claire!" Elektra shouted and Cole jumped in surprise while Claire frowned like a child refused to have an a ice cream.

"But they'd look so awesome, I did it to my dog."

"You have a dog?" Elektra questioned probably frightened and so am I...

"I did, she ran away a few weeks ago, you know Maxina froze her chihuahua." She went on and on and I felt Cole just watching the scene unbelievably.

"Oh my Gods Claire you should totally go see Maxina, she probably has so much to tell you about her and Tom Nook." Elektra said in fake excitement and Claire squealed in real excitement.

"Oh my Gods Tom Nick!" Didn't she say Tom Nook? Whoever that is... Then in a puff of orange smoke she disappeared and I heard Cole curse under his breath. I just felt relieved, she's just so... What's a nice word I could use uh strange? Elektra sighed in exhaustion and wiped her brow while staring at the floor. The sunlight shone on her back showing shadows under her tired eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked her and she smiled up at me hiding away any sign of weariness

"Yeah I'm just going to get changed out of this monkey suit." She pointed at her uniform then smiled up at Cole. "Oh and Cole don't be afraid to take anything you want from the fridge."

"Yeah... Don't be surprised if you find your fridge empty by the next hour." He said charging straight for the kitchen and she laughed then walked to the staircase. I eyed at Cole through the doorway and saw him opening draws and cupboards so I followed Elektra up the steps. Finding her just entering her room, she was about to close the door but I pushed it gently open and she turned around surprised. But before she could speak I grabbed her by her waist and gave her the kiss I've been dying to give for the whole day. She immediately responded running her fingers through my hair, pushing her body against mine. She moaned pleasurably which got me to hold her tighter to me. She broke the kiss looking flushed but I still held her to me.

"Someone's thrilled to see me." She breathed then leaned into me. "I've missed you too." She said truthfully pecking my lips then she started pushing me back out the door.

"How are we going to tell him?"

"Tell me what!?" Cole yelled out from downstairs and she chuckled.

"You'll find out!" She called back then looked lovingly in my eyes. "I'll meet you downstairs." I kissed her again and struggled on letting her go. But if I'm here too long Cole will get suspicious.

"You had to bring him to the car." I whispered on her mouth and she pouted apologetically then smirked.

"Luke are you ready to lose the challenge?" She whispered flirtatiously and I growled hiding my face in the crook of her neck. No I'm not, I just want some alone time with her.

"It's still on Elektra I'm waiting till you're eighteen." I said on her neck then trailed a few kisses up along it. Around her jaw back onto her mouth and she winced pushing me away.

"Don't tease." She playfully frowned. "Now back downstairs before he suspects something," she closed the door in my face and I unwillingly trudged downstairs watching Cole grinning like an idiot while standing in the middle of the living room.

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