12 Meow Howl OW!

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Sarah followed me to the nightclub but then stopped. We were going to take a break since we'd been vampires throughout the woods and town.

"Elektra I'm heading back to the Hotel." I stared at her incredulously.

"Come Sarah let's just dance for a bit." I pleaded.

"I'm tired I have leech bites all over me. Plus I smell wet dog coming from in there." She gestured to the club. "I'm done for the night. I already have a sweaty smelly mutt and I don't need anymore." She whined.

"How is Mic anyway?" I asked. Sarah gave me an annoyed look.

"It's pronounced Mike just it's spelt without the 'E'!" I chuckled.

"Someone is snappy." I mocked. She glared at me which soon turned into a laugh. She and I mad at each other... Yeah, and vampires are the nicest creatures in the world. "Bye, Sarah."

"Meow," she responded then disappeared in the shadows. I looked down at myself. Black leather pants, my hunting boots and a black long-sleeved top. Not really dressed for clubbing... But with a few alterations. I extended my claws and slit open my sleeves so my I showed my arms. Let my hair out then ripped my leather pants so it looks like it has claw marks. Good enough for me. I headed for the front doors, where the security guards grinned lazily at me. One of them with a shaved head and is really big and buff gave me a little wink so I smiled back. Then headed in.

The music was blaring out of the speakers and before I knew it I was in the middle of the dance floor dancing like there is no tomorrow. I danced with a few different guys but as soon as they laid a finger me I moved somewhere else. When the music stopped I found the bar where I noticed Scott and Chelsea the sluttiest bitch you'll ever meet were sitting. Am I really that thirsty? Yes. So I went over sitting as far away as I possibly could. The bartender is a guy with black spiky hair with blue neon blue tips and was a black shirt and black jeans, he came over to me holding a towel in his hand.

"What can I get you?" He asked. What do you know he also has an eyebrow piercing.

"Just a coke please," I answered avoiding Chelsea's glare. She's blond with light blue eyes and is wearing less clothing than a swimsuit model. Harsh but true. I looked at her and gave a little smile and a wink. She glared at me in horror. I cracked up.

"Scott let's get out of here this place is getting a little overcrowded." Scott looked in my direction and smirked at me. Grrr... I want to scratch his face off. He started get up. That's right leave piss off. Then he came walking towards me. NOOOO PISS OFF!!!! Why me? Why now? The fates are so cruel.

"Hello, pussy cat." He said. I gave him my death stare.

"Goodbye egghead." I grabbed my drink then stood up to walk off then he did the most dangerous thing in the world.

He grabbed my waist. I almost growled and I can sense Chelsea's anger. "If you want me to spare your life I suggest you let go of my waist immediately." I paused and turned to face him his hands still on my waist, I leaned in so I was close to his ear. "And if you want Chelsea to spare your life you better apologise to her and for good measures give her a diamond necklace." Then I slipped out of his grasp and sat on a table near the stage. I watched a band assemble themselves on stage, they all smell like wet dog and pine trees except one... Luke is in a band AHHH!!!! My wolf is in a band!

He's wearing a white-sleeved shirt and black jeans and wow he looks... HOT!!! He hasn't seen me yet. I left my drink and stood in the middle of the dance floor where a few people were hanging around.

"Hey everyone we're Alpha." Typical just typical but hey I ain't complaining he can call his band hairy armpits and I wouldn't care. (Well maybe a little). Everyone cheered then Luke started with a guitar solo. He plays the guitar can he be any more amazing? Possibly. So it's all slow but then the drums kicked and he was rocking the place down and busting my ears. Everyone was dancing and like crazy except Scott who was leering at me every time Chelsea wasn't looking. But I was too ecstatic to notice. At the very end, he finally saw me and sang out to me. He has an angel's voice. Boy, do I have it bad... Then it ended with a drum solo.

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