41 Little girls have been stalking me...

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"He's going to let us back into the coven. I just know it!" The little vampire girl jumped excitedly. Her blonde pigtails bouncing up and down as she bared her fangs with a big smile. Suddenly she looked like she had two heads and I blinked a few times until she appeared normal.

"Shut up Eddie." The older male vampire probably seventeen snapped seeming agitated and anxious. His red eyes glared at me while I growled behind baring my own wolfie fangs and quietly taring at my restraints trying to but I feel weak.Suddenly the little girl jumped up and sat on my leg.

"You're so cute." She beamed up at me and I stared down at her surprised. She looks like such an innocent thing. I wonder how old she is really.

"Eddie!" He grabbed her arm and threw her off me slamming her small little body to the ground. She snarled at him and then another vampire man went to her and lifted her up to sit her on his hip bone.

"There there sweet heart." The vampire purred pressing alittle kiss on her head. She yawned and then rested her head in the vampires shoulder. He's in his mid thirties -probably been like that for a long time- raven black hair and the usual red eyes to show that he's on the dark side.

"Are you sure this is the wolf she loves?" A feminine voice said somewhere in the dark. I tore off the restraints but immediately I something cold point at the back of my neck.

"Bad dog." The vampire behind me murmered and I sighed just relaxing in my seat.

"I see them kissing all the time." The girl whispered. It's weird to think this little girl has been watching us, how has she exactly being spying on me? I stiffened. She knows what Elektra is. "When will I get my first kiss?"

"I hope not for a long time." The vampire man holding her said.

"How long will this take?" The anxious one asked.

"Depends on how long she takes to notice." A woman whispered.

"You're using me as bait?" I said dully. I swung my arm around knocking the gun from the woman's hand then snapped her neck.

"No! Grandma!" The little girl screamed. I shifted into my wolf form dodging the attacks and leaped up onto the next level of this big empty wreck of a bulding and prowled up there growling down at the vampires. Daring them to come up and get me. Even though I feel like my body is going to shut down at any moment. I have to stay strong but the world is sort of blurry.

"Was that really necessary?" The vampire holding the crying girl asked me. When I snarled at him he sighed placing the girl down. He flipped his black hair back and paced towards me calmly as if he were dealing with a child. Then he paused and stared at me blankly. My nose caught onto a new scent and suddenly I was kicked down to the ground at the vampire's feet. I huffed.

That hurt.

"Stay off my ledge." A deathly feminine voice warned me and when I gazed up all I saw were big black wings and red eyes. She's definitely not a vampire so I growled then ran off leaping over everyone to get to the door. Gunshot was fired and something pierced into my thigh. The pain shooting up my whole leg making me fall and blur my vision.

"You could have been civilised." Someone said. "Someone call Dominic."

"Shouldn't we call when we have the cat?"

"Call him now." I saw the vampire stand in front of me and he said to me. "I hope you realise the more you shift into your wolf the less chance of you ever changing back."



School's over and I've been waiting at the carpark for ten minutes. Not that I'm so impatient or anything... But shouldn't he be here by now? A sighed when I sensed the shadow hunter's presence once again. She stood next to me staring ahead and I didn't look at her. I don't need to, to see that it's her because her Katy Perry Meow perfume smell gives her away. I own that perfume to.

"Why are you here?" I questioned the shadow hunter girl.

"I have suspicions, I have questions and I need your help." She said then I felt her eyes gaze at my face but I continued to stare ahead. "And I think you'll be needing mine." I whipped my head at her confused.

"Why would I need your help? And what would you need from me you'repractically the police for all mythical creatures shouldn't you have all the strengths to fend for yourself?" I crossed my arms over and glared down at her then Claire popped out of nowhere between us. We ignored her.

"I'll get to the point. Vampires are lurking here and usually the Shadowhunters have no worries with them but we have... I have reason to believe they are up to something."

"They are. They've taken over my boyfriend's pack he's been laying low for a couple of days." I said. What is she going to do if I tell? Seriously?

"I knew it. In your face stupid council." She mumbled the last sentence to herself and I couldn't help but smile amused. Rebel hunter going on her own quest? I think I like her. "OK well if I'm correct my allie just saw your boyfriend getting captured by vampires." Time slowed down for me as the information just sunk in. "You're not going to cry are you?" I glared down at her then forcefully her shirt and pulled her face right at mine.

"Where did they take him?" I growled lowly.



She grabbed the girl forcefully and I thought for a second she was going to kiss her... but she murmered something and they both ran off together and Claire ran screaming behind them.

"Lukipoo!" Claire cried in terror.

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