15 cats hate water... but that didn't stop me

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"Elektra get up! " Olivia stormed into my room and drew my curtains letting the sunlight hit my face. Then she crashed on the edge of my bed causing it to move a little.

"Grrr Piss Off!! " I mumbled. She burst out laughing and pulled the blankets off me. Come on! This is not how I want to spend my Saturday morning.

"Nice underwear." She smiled deviously. I groaned and pulled my shirt down then crawled to the floor to snuggle under the blankets. Rule number 27 for cats if it's warm it's a bed. It was Olivia's turn to groan and then she grabbed the blanket and tried to it off me. This time I grabbed a hold of it and I was way stronger than her.

"Ugh, you're worse than my brother! " She sighed and let go. Yes, I win. I heard her step to the other side of the room. What is she doing? And then I heard JLO play on my CD player.

Nobody knows what I'm feeling inside.

I fund it so stupid so why should I hide?

Cos I'd love to make love to you baby.

Ahhh! Why? Too good not to dance to! Must resist! Oh, screw it I got up from the covers and started dancing. Then Claire burst through the door screaming.

"I hate you guys! " I whined playfully and danced to my closet. "OK, what are we doing that you had to disturb my beauty sleep?" Olivia put the volume down on my stereo and Claire stopped screaming.

"The pool. We are going to show off our rocking bods and maybe have a swim with some of the good-looking guys there." Olivia stated acting a little giddy.

"Matt is going to be there, isn't he? " She didn't answer which means that I'm right. "I'm going back to bed."

"Freeze! " she ordered. Ugh! "Get your bikini 'cause we are going!" When did she become so bossy? I sighed and looked through my drawers. Olivia peered over my shoulder and scoffed. "Do you only own black? " She asked sarcastically. I pulled out a purple leopard print bikini.

"No, I also own purple." She rolled her eyes at me and Claire started screaming when she saw the purple bikini.

"Ahh! purple! " And she ran out of the room. Oh Claire...

"What was that about? " Olivia questioned.

"She's afraid of the colour purple," I said a little embarrassed but Olivia nodded like she was expecting that answer. I'm so glad I'm not the only one used to her weirdness.


We walked through the glass doors that led to the outside pools. I noticed Scott immediately and groaned. Olivia looked at me funny and then saw what I was groaning about.

"I swear I had no idea he was coming," she said but come on of course he was going to be here everybody else was. I shouldn't be bothered by him, he's a stupid mortal. But he just really brings out my dark side. "Look Matt's with him please Elektra." She looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes. She'd make an awesome werewolf. She kept staring at me pleadingly Gods I hate that look.

"I'll be with you in a sec I'll just... save those poor defenceless guys that are in Claire's clutches," I said quickly and speed walked away so she wouldn't stop me. Hang on those guys... I sniffed and I smelt wet dog coming from them, huh what do you know they're were wolves. Once I was within a meter of them one of them actually took notice of me and seemed shocked when he did. He's well built and has brown shaggy hair and emerald green eyes. 

"Sorry to disrupt your conversation but Claire," I said turning to face her. "Chelsea would like to say hi to you." Mwahaha pure evil I know... Damn, I should have said Scott instead oh well. I pointed to Chelsea and she looked horrible and trashy in her pink string bikini and cake face. Who wears make-up at the pool? Claire squealed and then ran towards Chelsea who then ran off screaming. Hehehe. I turned back to the shaggy wolf boy who couldn't contain his laughter. "Sorry about that." I smiled then turned to head off and find Olivia.

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