20 He invades my life! And my dreams the asshole!

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I don't know where I am but this place is very familiar. There's all this regal furniture, I think I'm in a living room. There's a fireplace which is lit and is the only light source in this room since it's nighttime... OMGoddess this Adrian's house! What the heck am I doing in Adrian's house?!!! I want to find a way out of here but my body is going against me. I looked down at myself happy that I can at least control my head and found myself in a long slim black dress with a slit that goes up to mid thigh and really exposes my right leg and I'm also in a pair of black five-inch heels. Please tell me I'm dreaming.

"Hello Elektra." I heard a male voice whisper in my ear, I would have flinched if I had control of my body.

"Get out of my dream." I warned him bit instead he dared encircling his strong arms around my waist. "Adrian! " I growled.

"Shh... don't spoil the moment. I've missed you." He said smoothly resting his head in between my neck and shoulder. Is he joking? The last time I saw him he tried to kill me to win his father's affection. He's a lying, moronic daddy's boy! I tried to get away from his grasp but instead my body failed me then did the unthinkable. My arms rapped themselves around his neck and now I'm seriously annoyed but also afraid.

"This is one of the worst nightmares of my life." I shivered as his hands explored my bare back. "Please get your hands off me!" I pleaded feeling nauseous.

"You're the one with your rapped around me." He smirked letting his lips caress my jaw planting little tingling kisses. Why is he doing this? Why is he screwing with my head? LITERALLY!

"It's not by choice, you're controlling me. This is my dream so go find your own!" I yelled.

"I'm taking control now." He said smirking deviously, leaning in so his lips are inches from mine and rubbing his hand up and down my bare leg. What does he want from me?! Why can't he leave me in peace?!!! "I'll wake up." I threatened.

"Come on Elektra what happens in the dream stays in the dream." He whispered menacingly. Ahhhh! Wake up, wake up, wake UP!!!!!!!! Slowly I'm slipping away from his grasp and I can feel myself waking up.

"No Elektra wait!" He yelled attempting to grab me but... too late I'm up and I'm mad! I see Adrian lying next to me already awake and he ran to the window and jumped out. No way! I'll kill him! He is not going to get away that easily! I jumped out the window still in my PJ's but I am to pissed to care what I'm wearing. I saw him run into the trees so with my cat instincts kicking in I ran after him. I shifted into my cat and raced deep into the woods following his scent but after awhile not only did I loose my breath but I lost Adrian. What was I thinking running after him. An all powerful wizard next in line to rule the wizards world. Meow I wasn't thinking. I shifted back to human form wearing my PJ's and ready to head back home then Adrian appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my hips and pressed himself against me. I shoved him away from me and only using half of my strength and glared at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you and your family leave me in peace?" I screeched so loudly birds flew away from their nests.

"Elektra I'm sorry I thought you'd be happy to see me after so long." He said calmly. Grrr...

"Six years. It has been six years since you last saw me not including last night. And I remember that last time as the day you decided to kill me." Happy to see him ass! For all I care he can rot in hell!

"Really? In hell? You and I used to be inseparable." He said but that's not how I remember it.

"Used to Adrian, that was before you disappeared for two months leaving me in the dark then invite me over only just to send me down to Hades realm. Before I started to have mixed feelings and..." I stopped there. I was not meant to say that... It slipped out and now he's looking at me all hopeful.

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