36 Full Moon: How the fates love to mock me

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Warning this chapter is not very long...


OK so I did the stupid thing. I ran out the window wearing some long black jacket beanie and gloves; hoping that that would protect me from shifting. And I'm trying to run under shady spots and so far it's kinda working... Gods I'm a moron. I can't belive this is even happening. I don't know what the Pack will do if they see him alive running wild. Ugh dating werewolves is harder than I thought.

"Luke you moron come back!" I screamed then found his scent heading west. "He's trying to find his pack." I whispered and ran faster following him then tried to push through into his mind.

'Luke. Come back to me.' He's ignoring me. 'Baby please come back to me.' I don't know what to do! I've never dealt with wolves on fullmoon night. I've dealt with a were bear but that's all. "Luke!" I caught up to him and so I leaped up and landed on him grabbing the fur on his head. He growled aqnd tried to shake me off but I held on tight getting peeved. "Now you listen to me Mr Snugglekins." He growled venomously. It's almost like he doesn't even recognise me. Do wolves lose all memory when the full moon arises? They're almost like were cats. They lose all what's humane about them just like us. Right now at this very minute he thinks that he's a real wolf and from the predatory expression he thinks I'm prey. "If that's how it's going to be." I flipped off him ripping out his fur so he cried in pain then landed in a crouching position glaring at him as he glared back. I took a deep breath and I can feel the pounding of my heart hurting my chest. "Meow." I turned around started running.

Run slow Elektra... Make sure he's following.

I listened out for his silent steps and I can hear his rapid breaths and practically feel his determination. That's it Luke, follow me. Without looking back I jumped over rocks, skipped over loose roots that threatened to trip me and then Athena appeared at my side.

Hoo. She calmly hooted and I huffed.

"Where've you been?" I questioned and she just flew up into the night sky. "Thanks for the help." I struggled trying to avoid moon light, but then I reached lake of where I first saw him. And I just ran on top of the water and turned around to see him stare at the water. He started drooling then he he shocked me by standing on his hind legs and paced through into the water to get to me. There's's wonderful beauty about this wolf form. He really looks like the wolf man, I'm just a little disturbed at the hairy sight down under. Keep eyes off that Elektra...

"Get that mutt out of our lake!" Damn I forgot about the water nymphs. The rose up glaring angrily at Luke. Still the same, one with pearls in her hair, other daisies and other with roses

"We have dates with satyrs so you better get him out of there!" Rose haired one said.

"Just give him a bone or something." They all sunk back down and I walked back to him. His pupils dilated and he started backing away out of the water licking his snout. I walked around him onto the shore backing myself away under the shadow of the tree. And he just watched me ready to pounce, and I shook my head shrinking down so I'm crouching. I'm that by acting submissive he will calm his freaking farm and not try to attack. That usually works for creatures who think to highly of themselves. Actually I don't know for sure I'm just winging it, testing out a made up theory. Usually I would stand tall and intimidate my attacker. But this is Luke, I don't want to hurt him.

I can't.

It goes against every instinct of my human side. A cat may not care, but I still am human and love comes first before anything to me. I bowed my head and closed my eyes now sensing his confusion. But he still is tempted to rip me to shreds. I showed no fear just respect to draw him closer, he started walking towards me steadily and I waited. His wet nose touched my head smelling my sent and then with his clawed wolflike hand threw off beanie. He analysed my face and huffed. He recognises me... he licked my cheek then nuzzled his snout in my neck his breath and fur tickling my skin. I gasped as he grabbed my hips and started lifting me up onto my feet. I didn't do anything I just watched to see what he's doing.

His emotions are confusing me, he loves me but he still wants to kill. His face dug into my top and I shivered. Now this makes sense... he's horny. He lay me down on the ground underneath him ripping a part of my shirt under my jacket to expose some of boob. I have the bra to hide them from his view. And as much as I want this, I will not lose my virginity to a wolf. He growled pleasurably as he licked from my chest to my neck.

"No." I quickly grabbed his face in my arms drawing all the water out of his body to dehydrate him."I'm sorry Luke." I whispered then kissed his snout as his legs gave out. His head fell in the crook of my neck and his whole body fell limp on top of me. My hand instinctively scratched behind his ear amd I just held him to me like he's just a giant giant teddy bear. "I love you." I whispered and felt him sigh in response.

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