9 Uh... Werewolves are in now I'm just keeping with the times

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Talk about being a party animal. I can barely walk straight without wanting to collapse to the floor and fall back asleep. I don't drink and I don't even need to, I take everything way too far and the only high I've ever been on is sugar.

People should stick to that since it's cheaper and the withdrawals are less painful.

I tried, key word is tried to walk straight in the dull school hallway. I tried to look normal, I tried to seem sane and sober. Which I am! But I felt the odd stares. Humans are so judgmental.

Someone suddenly clung onto my arm and if the bitter disgusting coffee I had this morning didn't wake me up the ear piercing scream definitely did.

"Holy Hades Claire seriously?" I whimpered touching my poor sensitive ear.

The way my orange witch was clinging onto me I would have assumed that she was gripping for dear life. I took advantage of her strength and used her to hold myself up right. She doesn't look much different to when we were younger. The only difference is that her face looks older and even behind the coats of makeup you can see she's matured physically. I wonder now if she may or may not need 'the talk'. "Have you seen the photos?" She asked me her orange eyes sparkled with mysterious delight.

"What photos?" I asked rubbing my tired eyes.

"The ones Liv put up silly. Oh look a mirror." She suddenly faced a poster on the wall next to my locker. With my brow furrowed I walked up beside her and stared at what she's admiring.

"Uh Claire? That's just a photo of you, in a completely different outfit."

"The school is advertising my hotness?" She asked confused. "YAY!" She began jumping up and down clapping excitedly. I rolled my eyes then analysed the photo, yup there I am in the background dancing on a table. Why is this on a school wall?

"I really shouldn't have worn that top." I muttered.

"Told you to wear the red one."

"Red is my unlucky colour."

"You wore red lipstick."

"Are you talking back Claire? You little rebel you." I said teasingly gently elbowing her arm. She giggled and clapped her hands together. I took in her outfit and scowled. "Claire you can't wear that to school."

"It's the school uniform."

"You can't just magically change your uniform to the colour orange and think that's acceptable. You will be told off for it."

"Why do they insist on wearing navy blue? I love Maxina but it's such a dreary colour. There's nothing hot or fiery about it."

"That's the point. Society is trying to suck away the younger generation's uniqueness."

"Society must be stopped!" She yelled outraged and slammed a fist into her hand for extra emphasise.

"I agree but for now... change your uniform back."

"No I'm protesting." She crossed her arms over staring at the poster awhile longer before she disappeared in puff of orange smoke.

"Always fun talking to you." I muttered under my breath while opening my locker.

"Boo!" Olivia leaped out and shouted but I sensed her coming so instead of screaming I stared at her dully. She pouted her blue eyes shining with mischief. "I can never scare you."

"I'm glad you can finally admit it to yourself. Did you have to take those photos of me?"

"Don't act as if you didn't enjoy the attention. You were practically posing for the camera." She accused showing off a dazzling smile that forced me to smile.

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