47 The Wolves are out... OLIVIA LOCK YOUR DOORS!

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"Alright I need your sensitive sniffer to catch a scent. I'm feeling a little lazy." I yawned. For the past week I've been out late 'hunting for knowledge'. I think I'm going all mafia-like to be perfectly honest. I've been questioning the underworld rats' part of this scheme and killing the ones threatening to get in my way without a second thought. I think I'm getting a little too cold hearted for my liking but then again it is my 'other time of month' and I'm pretty selfish during those five days when I'm a walking blood fountain. After every hunt I always find myself drawn to the ocean. Everynight I'm always five steps closer than the night before just staring at it but eventually I rush back to my car and drive home. After seeing Poseidon I'm so tempted to try out the gift he's given me but I'm also afraid.

"User." He whispered. He pointed his nose up and smelled the cold air while pulling on the hoodie. "They passed by here." I already know that. "They must have fed on few people out here because I smell dead humans." As if rehearsed or on cue we heard someone scream. We rushed across the street and I leaped up onto red brick building balancing myself on the ledge of the window to peek inside. Luke stood on the otherside gazing inside and we saw a young girl probably younger than me crying over a body of a woman. By the way they're both dressed they look like prostitutes but I thought nothing of that. I sympathised with the crying girl and wished the fates to give her a better life.

"They all fed on her at the same time, look at all the bite marks on the body." Luke pointed out. We snapped our bodies away from the window and the crying girl just missed us.

"The demons would have eaten her whole." I said holding back the gag. "And from the scent they must have left not too long ago. Let's go." We both leaped down onto the road and we started walking following the stench.

"Have you been tracking them for this whole week?"

"No I told you I only found out about this coven today. It didn't take me too long to figure out they were going to hide out somewhere here."

"So if I didn't come over tonight would you have told me any of this?"

"Of course I would." I said, "Just after I dealt with it." I smiled innocently as he gave me a playful sideways glare. I froze midstep hearing screeching, like tyres grazing the road when someone is recklessly driving. We turned around glaring at the black car driving our way.

"Elektra!" Luke shouted.

"Relax." I responded smirking. I stopped the car by stamping my foot onto the front crumple zone of it. "Big mistake." I hissed seeing the glowing amber eyes through the window. The driver continued to push hard on the pedal but with my strength it still didn't budge. Luke made an animalistic growl and leaped on top of the car. He smashed his fist through grabbing the creature by the hair and dragged him out. I flipped the car over then stormed over to them. The driver is a young male vampire and he looks around fourteen and is dressed lazily. As in he probably rolled out of bed and dragged on the closest thing.

"Let me go!" He shouted trying to pry Luke's hands out of his dark hair. Luke covered the boy's mouth to muffle his cries and we dragged into an alley.

"He's a bit young for this? Even I can tell he's recently been changed." I pointed out. Luke yelped in pain whipping his hand away from the boy's mouth.

"He bit me." Luke cursed under his breath and I smacked the vampire upside the head.

"How rude." I mocked. I let my eyes shift into slits and the vampire backed away only crashing into Luke. "This saves us tracking them down. We have our little personal guide." I said in a baby and pinched the vampire's cheek. He glowered at me and spat on my hand. Instead of growling in anger I smirked and wiped the spit over his face. Right before he could snap at me again I got to the point. "Where is coven hiding?"

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