21 Camping... part 1

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To all my fabulous readers I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter. I've been busy with all these vampire and demon attacks it's been really hectic anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter meow for now!

"You're just in time! Scott came ten minutes ago and already I want to stick my head in the oven!" Olivia whispered hoarsely at me as she let me inside her house. Ugh! He's already here! A low growl erupted in my throat before I could stop and Olivia started laughing. "My thoughts exactly." She led me her living room which is white, clean, full of white plush furniture and a few antiques hanging around. And also where Jared, Scott and a tall blond haired man who looks like an older version of Scott. Obviously his dad. I've never actually met Mr Havens but he doesn't look to friendly. He's got that mean scary look on his face that would make anyone pee their pants if they were alone with him. I guess that's how he gets great business deals he scares all the other companies.

"Hey gorgeous." Jared said. I heard Olivia scowl and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"About time you came!" Scott said in a annoyed tone. What's he talking about I'm right on time Jack ass! But I kept that thought to myself.

"So you must be Elektra I've heard a few things about you." Mr Havens said holding out his hand. Oh has he now... I shook his hand and I felt him squirm in my grip. "Strong grip." I couldn't tell if he was insulting me or and trying to be funny either way I don't like him. I turned to Olivia who glared at her twin brother. I wonder if they some twin power so they can read each others minds. What? It's possible.

"So... when are we leaving?" I asked.

"When dad decides to stop kissing mum good bye. Dad!!! " Olivia called out and he immediately appeared in the door way. I've never really spoken to her dad or see him often and he looks nothing like Olivia. He's tall very tan compared to Olivia's fair skin, black hair with streaks of grey but his face still looks young. He has warm brown eyes and has a well built body... Her dad is hot. But his scent is all funny, is it possible he's not human? I ignored the thought and gazed at Olivia... they look nothing alike.

"Alright are we ready to go?" He asked his voice very deep which made it funny when he clapped his hands together. We agreed to leave at that moment and walked towards the back door. Are we camping in her backyard? We walked out it turns out I'm not the only one with the wilderness as my backyard.


We hiked up grassy hills and the whole while I heard Scott complaining like a whiny little girl. I saw Olivia rolling her eyes for most of the time and I can tell she's ready to kill him. I on the other hand was thinking about him. His warm smile, those topaz coloured eyes... ever since that Wedensday night I haven't seen him. Not as wolf or human and I'm freaking out. Even though I don't know him very well I really truely miss him. He must know about me now if he's avoiding me. I don't want him to hate me. It's not like I ever actually lied to him, he never asked so I never answered. I feel as if I have lost someone who I've known forever, they're is another hole in my heart which is absolutely ridiculous. We don't really know each but yet I can't help feel drawn to him, but he thinks I'm the enemy for some unknown reason. I miss him so much.

"Hey are you OK? You look upset." Olivia asked concerend and sweating. She's my friend she's has a right to know but just not about everything.

"I'm fine." I tried to say confidently but she saw through the act, she always does.

"Liar." She stated almost hurt but then she got this determind look on her face and walked up to her dad. "10 minute break now." She ordered and I couldn't help but giggle when her dad looked at her sternly. So she sighed. "Please?" He agreed and Olivia ordered me to walk with her. We reached a little lake so we sat at the shore and untied our shoes to dip our feet in the nice cool water. "OK so what's up?" I sighed in response. I guess I'll have to tell her something.

"It's just I.... I miss Luke." I said truthfully and I got an awe in response.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Wedensday night."

"That was only two nights ago!"

"Yeah I know..." I don't expect her to get it. You'd have to be in my head to understand me truely. (Or in my Pride) So I let the conversation drop there and she didn't push me thankfully. Instead she tried changing the subject.

"Hey when I was away a little bird told me some new guy was hanging around with you. A hot new guy with a nice butt." EWW! Adrian! Hot? Nice butt? well I guess... nevermind!

"It's complicated...."



I miss her... I want to be with her but how can I when I know the truth? She's a cat, a very attractive one but still a cat! No the cat that my Alpha wants dead. That's why I haven't told anyone I want to be sure before anything serious happens. I don't think I can handle her dead. Especially if she's my mate. At the moment I'm in my wolf form on patrol. I was sent to look out for the campers and since Elektra is there I didn't hesitate. I froze when I heard a familiar happy voice, I sniffed the air and got the scents of Olivia and... Elektra.

"Hey when I was away a little bird told me some new guy was hanging around with you. A hot new guy with a nice butt." Um... what? I peeked through the trees to see them, Olivia in light blue jean shorts and a white T-shirt while Elektra was in black jean shorts and a grey T-shrit with gold flowers printed onto it. Her hair hung loosely around her face as she stared into the lake looking sad. I hate that look on her.

"It's complicated..." She answered back. What are they talking about?

"I have time, maybe I can help... now tell me who is he?!" She more demanded than asked and Elektra sighed as if wishing she could change the subject.

"His name is Adrian Roth, we have a history and I haven't seen him in over six years. Not like I've been counting or anything." I growled when I heard his name which caused Elektra to look up. Shit.

"Well what happened?" Olivia asked and Elektra finally looked back at her.

"I moved away and now he's followed me here."

"I doubt he came to stalk you Elektra." Olivia joked but Elektra looked seriously ticked off.

"He broke into my room last night while I was sleeping." She said glaring at her reflection liek it was an old enemy. He did what?!!

"Did he try anything?" Olivia asked hesitantly.

"No... well.... yes. Yes he did." I growled again but she didn't here she just stared up at Olivia. "But I kicked his sorry ASS!!" She yelled out to the sky.

"Yes with your amazing Kung fu skills." Olivia sarcastically remarked and rolled her eyes.

"Nooo with my cat reflexes." She corrected playfully but I held my breath. Does Olivia know? Is she one of them?

"What is with you and cats? Honestly if I didn't know any better I'd say you were a cat in another life time. Or you're werecat....... Or just some crazy cat lady with a cat tattoo on your arm."

"It's a birth mark!" Elektra joked while Olivia again rolled her eyes.

"Cat freak!" Olvia mumbled and they cracked up laughing so I finally relaxed well almost. Then a man came through the trees.

"Alright girls lets go." He yelled out and they both groaned. Olivia got up and followed the big man but Elektra stayed put deep in thought. You know it would be great to see what goes on in her head.

"I wish you would let me explain." She said out loud. For a moment I thought she was talking to me then she gracefully walked into the trees following Olivia.

Did you like it? I want comments from all you creatures out there. And votes and fans.

Meow for now!!!!

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