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Somewhere in another world:

The older man was running as fast as his weak legs would take him and as much as his drench cloak would allow him. It was only drizzling; however, the thick forest made the air colder than usual. He knew his killer was right behind him and knew what he was or what he wanted from him.

"Aren't you tired already?" came the cold voice sending a shiver of fear down the old man.

"Oh, for Pete's sake, stop exhausting yourself. Although I like my dinner to be warm but with the way you are running, I bet your blood will be hot," his chuckle along with a pitter-pat echoed behind him.

"Oh, Lord! Have mercy on me. Father of heaven, save me from this blood-sucking demon," he clutched the sacred beads closer to his palm, still running even though he knew he wouldn't last against the immortal demon.

"Calling for heaven? Okay, I'm bored now," saying that, a figure flashed before the old man in a blink, and there stood a hooded man with only his sharp canines visible when he grinned, making him stumble on the wet ground.

Except for his lips and sharp teeth, nothing was visible under the moonlight. He was tall and massive, and with his hooded cloak, he was looking elevated.

"Please, spare me," the old man pleased.

"Unfortunately, I can't. You see, I didn't intend to hunt tonight, but you served yourself on a silver platter to me," the cloaked man said and started walking towards the old man, making him cringe. His walk looked like he was not putting the foot on the ground but gliding over it instead.

"I wonder what would be a man of your stature doing in the forest, at this part of the night?" he asked, gazing at his well quality cloak and footwear.

"I'm a traveler, please; I won't tell anyone," the old man pleaded while crawling back.

"Does that look like it is of any concern for me?" he said, removing his hood.

His platinum blond hair first came into view, followed by his handsome pale face. His grey eyes were void of any emotions; he looked human except for his over-large canines that were eager to pierce through his victim's neck and taste his blood.

"I.....I know what you are looking for," the moment the old man saw his predator's face, he sensed his longing desire.

"Isn't it obvious?" he snarled, raising his upper lip showing his blood-thirsty teeth.

"I know you are looking for her," as soon as the old man said, the predator halted in his tracks.

"What did you say?" so far, his voice was calm; however, this time, his voice held a hint of a growl.

Before the older man could reply, the creature stood before him in a blink and raised him from the ground by his throat.

"Now your lie has made me angry. Till now, I thought of going easy on you," he said, tightening his hold on his prey's neck.

"Lord Salazar...." the old man said, coughing horribly, "I can help you find her."

"Lies!" Salazar brings the older man to his eyes level.

Till now, his eyes were steel grey, but now it turned red, in a fury, in hunger.

"Please, listen to me once," he stuttered. His face contorted with pain.

"Alright, a minute, you have to explain," saying that he threw the old man on the ground, making him let out a fit of cough.

"Speak!" Salazar roared, making the older man flinch.

"I....I'm a wizard, I....know you are looking for you lost love, and..." he trailed off before gulping hard and said, "I know where she is."

"How?" Salazar growled.

"First, you give me your words that you will let me leave," although he was terrified of Salazar, it was his last chance to save his life from a vampire.

"If it turns out to be a lie, I can promise you, you will receive horrendous death," he said instead.

"No, the earth will eat me up alive if I'm lying," he stuttered.

"Where is she?" Salazar asked, hovering over the half-laid man.

"I can show you, for that please accompany me to my cabin."

"Okay. Remember, one wrong move, and you are dead before you could blink your eyes."

"Yes, His Grace." They started walking towards the direction the older man pointed, and since he was tired from running, it took them a little longer to reach their destination. A wooden cabin at the forest's outskirts came into view.

"You were a traveler?" Salazar said, raising his perfect brow.

"I come to the forest often to collect the mystical herbs buried in the deep forest," he replied.

"If you may, His Grace," the old man gestured to Salazar towards a life-size mirror.

While the older man was murmuring chants, the mirror surface soon started twirling, forming a whirlpool. The air inside the room was gradually turning dense with force, drawing everything inside the cabin towards the mirror surface. Salazar stood at his spot, glancing between the wizard and his mysterious mirror.

However, he narrowed his eyes when the whirlpool was turning into a blurry image, and the next moment he could see a girl. The mirror was some kind of connection between the cabin and the room on his display through it.

The room looked weird, plain bed, a plain table, and a chair, a cabinet unlike how their bedrooms will be with fine upholstering and drapes. However, what caught Salazar's attention was that the girl was only clad in a white fluffy material while her bare back was towards them. Her wet hair pushed over one shoulder while she had a shining patch against her ear, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

There was a flames-shaped birthmark on her bareback; however, he froze when she turned towards them.


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