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"Her Grace is pregnant."

Those four words would knock my breath out if I was breathing.

Alexandra was lying on the bed while Xavier announced after examining her. It was after a long pause that I asked him, "And?"

Xavier was a wizard who could use his magic to see things that others can't and has been the one who was examining Alexandra since she was brought here. He was responsible for preparing her body, especially her womb, for my seeds to nurture inside. The potions she was drinking after every meal had magical and herbal power that would strengthen her womb and also make it suitable for the child to have both vampire and human traits since the time it is conceived, making him an heir in actual sense.

This was something that never happened before, not by any wizard or by any vampire. One of the many reasons why Xavier readily agreed. Since it was the first time, we weren't sure how much it would succeed.

"The child is carrying half human and half vampire's nature."

The moment he said, I was speechless. When a memory flashed before me, and I immediately asked him, "What about the Elixir I asked you to make?"

"As I said last time, one ingredient is needed. I tried checking with other wizards for its availability. None of them seems to have it in stock."

"I don't have time. Do whatever you want or ask whoever's help, but I want it to be ready before her delivery," I ordered and waved him off.

She was pregnant!

I was still digesting the truth. I walked up to her and laid beside her. When I said the child would be born out of true love, I expected it would take time since Alexandra still doesn't remember her past life, forget about loving me. The sex that we had for so many days was the physical pleasure that she was craving; her body recognized my touch and would respond to it always.

I glided my palm over her flat stomach, imagining my child inside it. She stirred and turned her face towards me before whispering, "Czar."

If the news of her being pregnant with a future heir broke out, she would be in grave danger, especially when Liam's plans were failing one after the other, and he would go to any extent to attain his ulterior motives.

I couldn't help give a lingering kiss on her forehead before replying, "Love."

Her eyes were still closed when she asked, "What happened to me?"

I contemplated for a long time whether to tell her the truth or not and then decided to go with the former, "You are carrying my child."

As I expected, her eyes snapped open, but I didn't expect her to ask, "Who was Alexandra, and how did she die?"

The answer to this question haunted me many years after her death and has started to haunt me again since I learned about Alexandra's pregnancy. When I didn't answer, she turned towards me and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"I don't want to wait for the time; I want to know everything from the beginning."

I couldn't understand why she was asking about Alexandra instead of asking how the child came into existence without true love unless she....

When the thought hit me, I stirred her slightly and searched her face for any hesitation. As if understanding my confusion, she cupped my face and kept looking at me, letting me read her like a book.

"Does that mean you love me?" I gave up and asked her directly.

She scoffs and says, "You aren't that smart, are you? A woman will feel betrayed when the man she loves has someone else in his heart. And I confessed giving you my heart when..." she trailed off.

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