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Czar was walking us towards the King while I was practicing deep breath to calm my frantic heart. As soon as we reached, the circled group parted, to make way for us.

"Ah, Lord Salazar," the King announced and I felt heated gazes on me all of the sudden.

"Your Highness," he bowed his neck slightly to show his respect.

As taught by Czar, I bent a little with my right leg behind my left in a curtsy, and said in a polite manner, "Your Highness."

"The Lady of Lord Salazar," The King said in jubilant.

"I must say, you are very beautiful," he added.

I noticed Czar's body was stiff but his face was void of any tension. He smiled and spoke with the King before taking an excuse. Wherever we went, curious gazes were following us and I was not sure,was I being human was the reason for their curiosity? On our way, we met other dukes and their duchess and I couldn't help feel envious of their beauty. Their flawless beauty and perfect curves was slowly curbing my confidence; however, Czar's proud smile while introducing me was enough to swell my heart. I didn't need anyone's approval of my beauty except Czar's and the way his grey orbs melted everytime he looked at me made my stomach flutter with thousands of butterflies.

I noticed that the servers were carrying trays with only peculiar liquid and I soon realized there won't be food to serve. I also noticed a familiar vampire was standing at a distance from us. I saw him sometimes in the castle and was sure he worked for Czar but what I couldn't understand was why he was following us.

A slow yet beautiful piece of waltz music was being played. The dance area was in the middle of the enormous room, just below the numerous chandeliers. As tradition goes by, the King commenced the ball dance along with his Queen and soon were joined by the other couples.

"May I have a dance with you?" Czar's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Do I have an option to deny?" I teased, letting him walk me towards the ball area.

"I know you would love to dance with me," with that, he twirls me once before we straighten our bodies and take the position to begin the dance. When Czar led me into a ballroom dance, I had to stifle a giggle, as the memory of last night, we dancing, buck naked after the wild sex came rushing. He made me practice the dance with him a few days prior to the ball.

"I prefer you dancing the way you did in that club," I said, moving the body along with his.

I noticed his grey eyes were turning darker, remembering the night in the club and how close we were dancing that I felt his hard on during the dance.

"Maybe tonight, I could show a new dance form. My balls against your arse playing melodious music. Where I would fill all your holes at the same time," he whispered and I could feel my core throbbing in excitement.

"May I have a dance with the Lady?" an orotund voice broke our moment.

The moment a brown haired man with a sinister smirk came into the view, Czar's body stiffened and I felt his chest rumble with a growl. I was not getting a good vibe from him either and unknowingly moved closer to Czar. Unlike Czar, his handsome persona didn't make me feel good about him.

"Lord Liam," Czar's addressing him, sounding more like a threat.

"May I?" he asked, earning a sneer from Czar.

It was against dance etiquettes to deny someone for a dance. But I didn't care about etiquettes at that moment and I was sure Czar had the same view. However, at the same moment the King called Czar, leaving him no choice for him to leave me with that evil man.

The moment his skin made contact with mine, a wave of tentative goosebump ran over my skin. I avoided making eye contact with him during the dance, although I knew his gaze never left my face. I was trying to look into the direction Czar went and got startled when I heard him say, "He will be around."

I didn't reply and fixed my gaze over his neckband. I was praying inwardly for Czar to appear again and take me away from this man.

"So it's true," he tried to stir a conversation.

"Huh?" I said meekly.

"The rumours that are running around," he said, but his face was void of any emotions. I was not sure what he was trying to say or where this conversation would be leading. I only wished for Czar to find me soon.

Before I could ignore him, he added, "The rumours that Lord Salazar got a look like of Alexandra, his deceased lover from the future. They are indeed true."

I would have ignored his attempt to stir trouble between me and Czar, but the name Alexandra caught me. Look like? Deceased lover?

"Excuse me?" I couldn't help be astounded at his words.

"You are very similar to her except she was more beautiful. I suppose he compromised, after all he can go any length to get an heir."

If I was astonished at her earlier words, then now I felt the ground slipped under my feet.

Even though I was devastated by his words, I wanted to first check with Czar. I would never believe this vile man.

"I don't know what you are talking about, and I suggest Lord Liam, mind his business," my words took him by surprise and soon his surprise turned into fury.

"If I were you, I would be bothering about my own well being. And that," his gaze fell on my necklace before he said, "I would be asking why he gave me Alexandra's necklace. You know why everyone is staring at you, that's because everyone here knows about who you are; a pathetic duplicate, who is nothing but a means to give an heir to this kingdom. Have you ever wondered why he beds you every night, don't tell me he didn't. Because my Lady, even walls have ears. None of us is looking at you as our equals, don't believe me, look at the Ladies at the corner."

The moment he said, I couldn't help looking and gasped when I saw a group of duchess giving me a disgusted look.

"They knew you are nothing but Lord Salazar's pet, a hoe, whom he is trying to impregnate with his seeds and once he gets the heir he will dump you into the beast's pit. You don't believe me, the last room in the hallway, you will find your answer," with that, he jerked me away, snorting, "My Lady."

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