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To divert my mind, I took a long shower. Like the hot vapors, I let the scary memory of tonight evaporate. I trained my mind to let go of people's memory as soon as you drift apart from them, something I learned to cope with my mother's death. Before Czar, I went on dates with many guys, some looking for a one-night stand, some genuinely interested in dating; however, I forgot about them as soon as the date ended.

I stepped out of the shower wrapped a towel around me, and slumped on the couch, letting my wet hair drip.

Disappointment from my father made me have trust issues with men.

Dad, I thought and shuffled my bag to grab my phone.

As soon as I turned it on, the phone chimed with multiple notifications. There were numerous messages from Dad and Jenny and some voice messages in my voice box. I randomly checked one from Dad's number.

Baby, please come back. I'm so sorry. Before the message ended, I could hear the owner sniff.

Was Dad crying for me?

I kept staring at my phone, lost in my thoughts. There was a part inside me, wanting to call my father; however, a wounded part of my soul reminded me how he disappointed me over the years. I needed him, but he was busy making his own family, and if that was not all, he put his wife before me.

Sucking a deep breath, I typed, I moved out; you stay happy.

I want to write 'I love you.' I wanted to write, 'how much I have craved for his love.' I wanted to write so much to my father because I knew it would be the last I would contact him.

As I expected, he called me as soon as he read the message. Should I talk to him?

An involuntary tear escaped my eye and dropped on the phone's screen. Wiping it from the back of my hand, I tossed the phone on the table and turned on the TV. I was reigning my urge to grab the phone and answered the call; nevertheless, I fixed my gaze on the TV screen. I didn't even know what was playing on it, but I kept looking at it.

I don't know how much time elapsed, but my stubborn father kept calling. Having enough of emotional exhaustion, I laid on the couch without bothering to change into nightwear. I let my tears fall, and to my happiness, I drifted into slumbers.

I was walking towards my locker when a wild wind engulfed the entire corridor, and like me, many students were taking cover. I suddenly felt a pull, and soon I was being dragged towards a darkened classroom.

"No!" I shrieked when I was thrown into the darkness before the door closed.

I closed my eyes in dread, and only the sound of my rapid breathing echoed. Suddenly I felt someone caressing my cheek, making me flinch and screamed out my lungs. I was on the floor and had to crawl back to save myself getting touched.

"No," I whispered, pleading.

At that moment, I was pushed over the floor with my limbs stretched out, away from my body. I tried to get out of the hold, but the force was more potent than I assumed. My shaky breath hitched in my throat when I felt naked and exposed. I was having a feeling of deja vu, and as per my anticipation, I felt an icy finger trailing from my shoulder, touching my bud on the way only to halt at my core.

"No! Don't touch me," I screamed.

"Mine," the same voice and I started shivering in new dread.

"No," I whispered, shaking my head.

"Mine," he growled on my denial.

Before I could deny it again, I felt something hard enter me, and I jerked up. My heart was pounding against my chest rapidly. I blinked rapidly to clear my vision, and it was then I saw I was in the apartment, sitting on my couch. I looked down only to see the loosened towel around me, and I quickly clutched it over my bare chest.

It took me a few moments to realize it was a nightmare. I was frightened; it was an understatement. I cower on the couch, looking around to see if I had an intruder. The lights were off, and only light from the TV scream was illuminating the small space. I looked towards the balcony door, only to see it was locked from inside. I looked towards the main entrance and saw the same thing. I don't know why I was paranoid, but that touch felt real; it was as if someone was actually touching me when I was sleeping. My towel might have loosened in my sleep; still, I couldn't push away the thought that someone was there.

I wanted to call someone for help, but who? With no other option left, I called 911. Luckily, my backpack was beside the couch, and I hastily dressed up with my trembling hands. Some time went by, and I flinched when someone knocked on the door, even though I knew who it was at the back of my mind.

"Ma'am, you complained about the intrusion," I heard a voice from the other side of the door.

I sprinted and opened the door immediately. I lied to them, hearing some noises in the dark, and insisted on feeling someone's presence. They suggested that I stay out of the apartment until they check.

"No one was there," the officer concluded.

"By the way, did you open the window in the bedroom deck?" he added.

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