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I have been standing on the open top of her apartment building, hearing everything that was happening right now inside her apartment. I smirked.

Alexandra didn't have an idea of what was happening to her. What she was assuming to be her hallucination was nothing but me around her. I stayed there under the open sky recollecting the day's event.

The moment I closed my eyes and called her name, her scent hit my nose and I rushed following the trail of her scent which was prominent at one point. When I stopped, I was standing in front of a house. By now, I was well versed with everything about this world, and I looked for the way, and except for a window, I didn't find a way to enter the house.

As soon as I entered through the window, I found myself in a dark room; however, the sight before me blew my mind. My love was lying on her bed; her bareback displayed for me. I could see she was lying on her stomach with the dim moonlight, wearing a short dress that was clingy to her like a second skin. Her white thigh tempted me, and I couldn't help gulp, looking at them. Her bare arms stretched out, and she was a sight to behold.

In a flash, I stood beside her bed and couldn't help leaning over her body. Before I could think my body acted on its own and started kissing her bareback. Her warm back against my cold lips ignited the same desire in me. I knew, by now, my orbs were dark with desire. I kept leaving wet kisses over her bareback, which I reached her hair, bunched at her shoulder. I sniffed and felt a strong urge to claim her.

"Mine," I whispered, sniffing her hair—the same softest locks.

My fingers, on their own, glided over her back, and I saw tentative goosebumps over her shoulder. My fingers halted in the middle when I heard her desperate whimper, "Please don't leave me."

I couldn't help reply, "I won't." And this time I would make sure of that.

As soon as she heard my voice, I saw her brow frown, and she was stirring in her sleep. I wanted to see her face properly; I wanted to feel her soft lips again. I wanted to feel my love, alive, again. I caged her in between arms and couldn't get enough of how her soft body felt against mine.

"Lie down," I murmured in her ear, making her frown in sleep and turned her face to the other side.

"Lie on your back," I said again, and this time I pushed her to make her lie on her back. As soon as I could see her familiar face, I dipped my head and captured her lips; however, when she stirred again, I had to break the kiss. I pulled down her dress from her shoulder to her tiny waist, revealing her swells that puckered against my cold form.

Her brows frowned occasionally and I knew she was in a daze, she could feel my presence but was assuming it to be her dream. I didn't want her to wake up, no yet, not until I touched her till my heart content. Leaving a feather-light kiss from her neck and over her bosom, which she wouldn't even feel in her dream, I trailed down her core.

"Spread your legs," my voice pierced the silence of her room and instead of waiting for her to oblige, I pulled down her panty, brushing my palms against her inner thigh, I spread them. A growl escaped my throat when I realized she was already aroused and I was a second away from eating her. I wanted to tease her body, make her dripping wet for me.

My gaze again went to her nipple and I pinch it earning a surprised gasp from her, she was biting her lips in an attempt to stop moaning and to make her surrender, I pinched both her nipples at the same time and she couldn't help let out a moan.

Not able to hold myself any longer, I dipped my head over her wet pussy and circled it in a gentle motion. Her body let out a shudder which encouraged me to go deep and started sucking her. Her moans, the shudder her body was giving, I don't know how I control the urge to possess her, claim her as mine.

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