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I was standing alone on the dance floor without a partner, and the couples around me were giving me a despised look. I felt humiliated. My eyes were already brimming with unshed tears. I want to go to Czar and tell him how this man treated me. He called me names, he called me a hoe which I was not.

I rushed out of the dance area before I started crying and disgraced myself more. I knew he lied to me, he felt insulted and was taking out his grudge on me by disgracing me in return. I wanted to go back to our castle and didn't waste any time looking for Czar. I thought of asking the same man, who was following us, about Czar. But like Czar, I couldn't find him. The people around me were now openly glaring at me, giving me a disdainful look. I didn't want to care about them, but I was alone in the room, and Liam's words were still ringing in my mind.

Have you ever wondered why he was eager to bed you?

Why did he give you Alexandra's necklace?

Lookalike of his deceased lover.

I was trying hard to push away the thoughts. I was not stupid to believe Liam's words, who was already giving me bad vibes and doubt Czar, who had been nothing but caring and loving. True, every night he takes me, even some morning we would have sex, but it was all his sexual desire for me. He told me he worships me, he will never do anything that Liam had accused him of.

I stepped out of the room in search of him. I didn't know where to go or whom to ask, but I just followed the hallway. I kept walking ahead, hoping to find two of the familiar faces. The castle was making me dreadful, and I want nothing but to feel Czar around me. I almost reached the end of the hallway and seeing no way ahead, I decided to turn back; however, Czar's voice got my attention.

"She had been given potions from time to time. Xavier told me her body is ready."

About whom he was talking? Xavier, that wizard?

"Very well, I believe you, Lord Salazar. I believe you will do anything to give an heir to this kingdom," when King's voice fell into my ears, I froze in my place.

Heir? How? Only humans can bear a child.


When the realization struck me, I covered my mouth before a scream would escape. I had to lean over the wall, to hold my feeble body. What Liam said was indeed true. All these days, the princess treatment, his desire for me, making me feel like I was special to him, was all an act?

I was indeed a pathetic look-alike, a hoe, whom he took numerous times, and never I stopped him. I gave him my everything, even my heart, only to end up being broken. I couldn't breathe, my chest constricted painfully. Maybe it was because of the bodice, or maybe my heart was aching with the truth.

I needed air, I needed to breathe, maybe the ache would stop if I stepped out in fresh air. I pushed my body away from the wall and kept dawdling, directionless. I looked ahead and kept walking.

I didn't mean anything to him, in fact, I never meant anything to anyone. I trusted him, I finally trusted someone only to end up feeling betrayed.

And I walked. The guards on the way were narrowing their eyes as if judging me. Of course, they would be, everybody knows I was Lord Salazar's hoe. Except I, everyone knows why I was brought here, to bear a child and then be discarded. I had asked Czar many times, what he wanted from me, and every time he gave a cryptic answer. Now I know what he meant when he said he wants my everything. He wanted me to come to him willingly; he wanted my womb to bear his seeds and all those potions I was given so that I would be fit to give birth to a vampire's child.

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