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I was being readied for another fuck night and gulping down the lump in my throat, hard, I stood up on my shaky legs. I looked at the maids for motivation and coaxed my conscience; I was doing it for a good cause. No matter how much I insist on privacy, the maids stood their ground and seeing my annoyance did the only thing they were good at, make themselves as invisible as possible.

Turning my back to them, I removed my clothes and dipped into the bathtub. Neither the princess treatment nor the luxury around me was soothing my turmoil. When I was a kid I used to dream of fairy tales and drifted into my imaginative world of being a princess inside the castle. I was living my dream, except I never knew of the price I had to pay for it.

The water smelled of exotic aromas and rose petals. I was not sure what all they mixed with the water as my body started feeling relaxed as I stayed inside the tub. A thought of drowning in that humongous tub flicker in my mind but it soon vanished when the maid called forwarding me a solution to wash my hair.

Heaving a sigh, I got ready for the inevitable. A red gown with thin strap and a high slit awaited me and it came as no surprise when there was nothing else to wear along with it. The maid busied themselves in drying my hair to dolling me up for their Lord. I wasn't concerned with what they were using on my face or my skin. I focused my attention on counting till ten and then taking a breath, and did the same and breath out. Still my palpitation didn't cease.

Once I was ready, the maid finally left me alone and closed the door behind gently. By now my body went cold and I felt suffocated the moment my glance fell on the bed. I needed to breathe. With that thought, I stepped out to the balcony, letting the gentle breeze sooth my dread. Clutching the concrete rail, I imagined all the good things I could think of. The time with my mother, the laughter with Diana, and Dad.....

Dad had always been worried about me, maybe he saw what kind of monsters lure around in the world and was protecting me. Could he protect me now? Will he be able to save me?

I knew the answer to it already yet, deep down I was expecting a miracle to happen. But instead of a miracle, my composure broke and I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. If only I had listened to Dad. I quickly wiped the tears with my fisted palm expecting the devil to come any moment. My tears will only irk him, knowing that I still couldn't make myself surrender to his will.

However, the next moment, I flinched feeling cold lips over my shoulder and two arms caging me. His palms were on the railing, just beside mine and my heart beat accelerated in anticipation. His need and hunger was evident with the way he was devouring my neck. I couldn't stop him, true, but I can give myself consolation by undressing myself instead of letting him do anything to me like a plaything.

My gaze was fixed on the night stars while he was busy running his hands over my body and kissing every inch of my shoulder and neck. The breeze tousled my hair covering the side of my face from him, not that he was bothered to look at my face.

"I missed you," he whispered before tracing my ear with the tip of his tongue and nibbling my earlobe.

Once he was content with his ministration, he leaned his head over my shoulder and wound his arms around my waist. We stayed like that for some time, him, smelling my hair and me staring at the stars witnessing my ruin.

He turned me around still holding me by my waist and said,"let's go inside,you are shivering."

Without waiting for my reply he pulled me inside the room. The moment he let go of my arm to close the door I took a deep breath looking at the bed and started pulling down the gown strap. No matter how much I controlled, my hand shook while pulling the strap.

I startled when he held my wrist and asked,"what are you doing, love?"

I jerked and turned toward him, whispering,"you.....want to.." I couldn't even manage to complete the sentence in fear yet he asked deliberately,"want to what?"

I lowered my gaze and completed the sentences in barely audible voice,"Fuck me."

I expected him to take my reply as my submission but instead it seemed to infuriate him. I could feel his heated gaze on me and inwardly prayed he could stop whatever sick game he was planning to play and get over with his hunger. However I didn't expect him to walk me towards the mirror instead of bed. He made me look into the mirror while standing close behind me.

"Look into the mirror and tell me what do you see?" He leaned to my ear and said. His voice timbres with unknown emotions.

I obliged fearing his anger and the consequences.

"A girl," I whispered instead of saying broken girl.

He cupped my jaw with one hand and said, "Look into her eyes and say what you see?"

I looked into his eyes instead unsure of what he was expecting me to say or where this was leading. We were staring at each other through the mirror and I gulped when he whispered again, "Eyes, Alexandra."

I noticed he calls me Alexandra when he is restraining himself.

"Fear," I blurted out, expecting him to grab my throat. What surprised me was he didn't contradict nor ordered me to submit like last night.

Still holding me by my jaw he glided his other hand over my waist, still locking my gaze with his. I almost shrugged my shoulder when he planted a kiss behind my ear, baffling me with his gesture. Tracing my ear rim with his tongue tip, he blew it causing a shiver to pass through. He repeated the same and nibbled my lope between his lips before engulfing it into his mouth. The same time, I failed to notice the hand that was on my waist moving upwards. It was only when his fingers traced the outline of my breast featherly and brushed his thumb pad brushing against my nipple I felt a spark run through me.

"And now?" his voice sounded strange while he was devouring my sensitive earlobe.

I couldn't understand what he was at or why his gentle touch didn't make me cower. I find myself answering his question, "Confusion."

His touch was light yet my skin reacted to it like a deteriorating plant would to water. His lips moved towards my throat and I found myself tilting my head up slightly parting my lips in confusion. The fact that I was still in my clothes yet I naked the way he was touching me. His thumb kept stroking my bud and it puckered, making me astonished at my body's reaction to him. His hand moved from jaw over my collar bone featherly to my bare arms. Tentative goosebumps erupted over my skin wherever his finger pads touched.

"And now?" his voice broke my trance. Instead of answering to him, I tried moving away from his touch only to press back against his chest. In my trance, I forgot I was seeing myself through the mirror and my mind couldn't contemplate which way to move to avoid his gentle touch.

"Afraid of yourself," he murmured.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now