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My first instinct to his desperate kiss was to go wide eyes.

I intuitively tried to push him; however, he devoured my lips with urgency like a desperate man. Before I could respond, his icy palms cupped my face, leaving no room for my head movement. His body forced me to take a back step until my back hit the wall. If his hungry kiss didn't surprise me enough, then the intensity in his eyes gave me a shudder. He was looking into my eyes as if he had been craving for the kiss for years long.

I wanted to retaliate to his sudden kiss, but as the seconds passed, his deep stare was melting me, and I couldn't help reciprocate his kiss. There was something unusual about the way he was kissing. It was not my first kiss, but it was the first time someone kissed me passionately.

As soon as I started kissing him back, sucking his lower lip, and wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands trailed down till they reached my ass, and the moment he squeezed them firmly, a gasp escaped my mouth. Nevertheless, he never stopped devouring my mouth, and the moment I gasped, he slid his tongue into my mouth and started twirling it around mine.

I don't know what came over me in that intense movement that I pressed myself against him, letting my sensitive buds feel his touch. I was not a petite girl, but even with 5ft 4in height and 5-inch heels, I still had to crane my neck up to meet his lips. I wanted nothing but to rip his shirt and trail my finger over his chest.

I moaned when he deepened to kiss, and I couldn't help return it ferociously. He kept squeezing my butt cheek and started grinding while I was turning into a moaning mess. If not for the club's loud music, I was sure my moans were loud enough to grab everyone's attention. By now, my lungs were begging me to take a breath, but I was acting like a sex-hungry kitten.

I fisted his silky platinum blonde and moved my head sideways to get more access to his lips while our gaze was locked. He broke the kiss abruptly, and I sucked in a deep breath; however, unlike me, his breathing was calm. I gasped horribly when he lifted me by my ass and intuitively wrapped my legs around his torso while clutching to his neck like a koala bear. The movement caused my sequined pencil skirt to bunch around my abdomen. I could feel his rod underneath his ripped jeans against my clothed pussy. Before I could react to our compromising position, he smashed his lips over mine, and this time it was rough. With my back to the wall and him, holding me like my 116 pounds of weight means nothing to him, he started dry humping.

I moaned when the realization hit me, and going against my logic; I started moving my body along with him. My body jerked up against the wall with his hard thrust, and I couldn't help break the kiss and title my head up in pleasure. I closed my eyes and started moaning louder when our movement's friction was making my core swell, and it started throbbing with something building inside me.

I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes before moaning his name, "Oh God, Czar."

Never before was I grateful for the louder music in my life than I was at that time. He dipped his head and started kissing and then sucking my neck. With my head tilted up, my neck was at his mercy, and a shudder of lust ran through me, making me fist his locks again.

"Say my name," he murmured against my skin, continuing to dry hump me.

"Czar!" I moaned, biting my lips while he trailed his tongue tip over my neck length only to halt at my pulsating point. My puckered buds rubbed against his chest while his tent touched my hole each time he was humping.

I started squirming as the desire intensified, and I put down my palm over his broad shoulder. His movement became fast and uncoordinated, and I had to dig my nails into his flesh as I was reaching my orgasm. I touched myself on numerous occasions but reached this level of pleasure only once—in my wet dream.

A shriek escaped my throat before my eyeball rolled back, and my body broke into many shudders when I orgasmed. He kept grinding to prolong the pleasure, and I fell on his shoulder once it was done. This night turned into a delusional night for me, with his changing orbs color to now, when I felt a pricking sensation over my neck where he was resting his head.

I suddenly felt my throat go dry, and I had to swallow hard to moisten it. I was brought out of my daze when he squeezed my butt cheek, and I pulled away from him only to get stunned, realizing what I had done with a man I met not even an hour ago. I unwrapped my legs from around him and struggled to pull away from his hand from my ass.

"No!" he roared, seeing my resistance. I cringed with his raised voice and made the mistake of looking into his orbs. They were darker than the night, and I gulped hard in fear; his aura suddenly became murderous as if I wrongly denied his rights.

"Let....me go," I stuttered, pushing his muscular body.

"Mine!" he growled, and I was about to shit in my pants, seeing the vicious glint in his eyes. That was the same word with the exact tone I heard in my dream. That was why his voice sounded familiar to me. But, how was it possible?

"Please," my own words sounded foreign to me, but I had no shame to plead in dire situations.

He kept staring at me, and I was on the verge of crying, seeing his changed demeanor. I wanted to hit myself for being so reckless and getting entangled with him. I don't know what made him move away, but I sprinted towards the dance floor like a frightened rabbit without even turning back. I hastily looked around for my friend, and once she came into my blurry vision, I dragged her out towards our car.

I needed to get out of the place as soon as I could. The entire drive Diana kept asking me what happened to me. I was clutching my skirt to control my trembling hands. Is it just a coincidence? How could I hear his voice? And why only in my wet dream? Both the time I reached my orgasm, I reached the height of pleasure.

"You looked like you have seen the ghost," Diana made another attempt to talk.

"Do you believe in dreams?" I asked in a small voice. If I was tired with my orgasm, then I was mentally exhausted with turmoil.

"What!" she asked in disbelief.

"Someone," I took a deep breath before facing my friend, "I think someone is after me." before I could even conclude what I was dreading, the words were out.

"Yea, I think so too," she replied, squinting her eyes.

"You do?" Relief washed over my face, thinking it was not my delusion.

"Cut the crap, Alexis. You can't fool me again," she chuckled, shaking her head.

I know she won't believe me, not after I fooled in this morning. What was happening? I raked my locks, looking behind our car to see if anyone was following us.

"Okay, enough with it. Tell me, what happened?" Diana asked, giving a side glance while she was driving.

"Nothing, a guy scared me in the dark," I half lied to my friend.

"And you let it go?" she asked. If I were my usual self, I would have broken that guy's nose, but something was wrong with Czar. He was a perfect example of more than meets the eyes.

"I told you, it was dark," I replied, avoiding making eye contact.

She let out a sigh before replying, "The day was emotionally exhausting for you, and it's better to rest early."

Diana dropped me at Allen's apartment. As soon as I entered the apartment, I kicked my heels and slumped on the couch; placing my aching feet on the coffee table, I leaned my head over the headrest. The moment I closed my eyes, the same grey orbs stared back at me, and I snapped open my eyes.

"Get over it," I muttered, groaning in annoyance.

Yes, with the night's ending, I should also forget about everything.

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