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I averted my gaze and looked at the ceiling instead when I caught a glimpse of his cock.

Don't think about anything Alexis, my conscience came to my rescue finally. I was surprised when he didn't order me to look at him again.

I whimpered involuntarily when I felt his cold lips over my calf trailing towards my thigh, and I clenched my jaw to stop another whimper. He was leaving wet kisses on my thigh, moving across my stomach halting at my breast. My head jerked up when he took my nipple into his mouth before twirling the tongue around it. I kept staring at the ceiling, as it was the only solace I found in my helpless state. My knuckles turned white with the force I was fisting the sheet when he started kneading the other.

"Surrender to me, Love, your body already did," he said in his cold voice and couldn't even deny his claim when I was trying to suppress a moan feeling his mouth over my sensitive bud. I knew it was natural for my body to react to his touch, but I didn't want to give him satisfaction. He wanted to fuck me, and I would let him, but that doesn't mean he can rule over my emotions.

As if to prove his point, the palm kneading my breast trailed towards my core. At first, he parted my fold, and I could still manage to suppress the pleasure building inside me, but the moment he started circling the folds and then rubbing them, a moan escaped involuntarily. I gasped, and my palms fisting the sheet on their own, grabbed his hardened shoulder when his finger entered my hole. Within a few seconds of his action, I ended up parting my legs with the sensation traveling from my core, and he adjusted himself between my parted legs.

Bracing his weight on his forearm, he shifted to the other breast while fingering me in a rhythmic motion turning me into a moaning mess. I was moaning like a wonton and started moving along his finger. I cried when another wave of pleasure hit me; when he added another finger into my pussy, all the while, he didn't leave my nipple for a second.

Holding on to his shoulder, I started grinding vigorously, feeling the friction of my motion and his fingers and the pleasure I was feeling. He stopped sucking my breast and leaned over my face.

"Just like that, love, keep moving," he whispered, our lips brushing each other with my uncoordinated motion.

My rationality was nagging me, yet I couldn't stop. I was feeling he could look into my soul and was compelling me to surrender to him. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't break the stare, nor could I stop moving against his fingers. A flicker of something unknown passed in his eyes, and before I could contemplate, he moved down towards my core.

My hands were still on his shoulder when he dipped his head and started licking me. The next moment I fisted his silky locks, and, parting my legs wide, I started moaning incessantly. The pleasure that was building inside me was greater than what I have ever experienced, and I didn't want it to stop. Folding my knees over his shoulder, I moved wildly against his finger while his tongue started rubbing me.

My breathing was haggard, and I knew I was reaching my high when he added another finger making my head jerk up, and my eyes roll back in my head.

I was gasping horribly, but I didn't let go of his hair and continued to grind. When he sucked me harder, I came while crying out his name. My body trembled with orgasm while he continued to move his finger in and out.

I was exhausted and was still taking in a shallow breath when he hovered over me, grabbing my arms and pinning them above my head. I was still in a daze of my orgasm when he said, "Love."

I peered at him with hooded eyes, and before I could know, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. A high-pitched scream due to the pain was muffled when he captured my lips, pressing my palms against the mattress. I closed my eyes with the excruciation and was wiggling to get out of his hold; however, his iron grip on me kept me a put. 

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