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"Are you ready, love?" Czar asked me.

I let a deep sigh and look at our son, Marcus lying peacefully in my arms.

"You sure he won't get affected, and he will be saved?" I asked.

"Xavier had already given him the herb, and don't worry, he is half-vampire too. The herb was to make him sleep so that he doesn't get worried," he replied, stroking Marcus's head.

Xavier was banned from the wizard's community for going against the morals of them and performing unspoken magic. Czar promised to let him go after he makes an elixir for me that will prolong my living while still being a human. Xavier chose to stay back and help us in building a world where humans and vampires co-exist peacefully.

"Love, you wanted to meet your father; why are you tense now?" Czar asked.

"I don't know, all my life I have misunderstood him and always blamed him. I don't know how to face him now," I replied.

After Marcus was born, I realized the sacrifice parents go through for their children. When Czar promised to talk to my father during my labor, I knew he was lying, but after 6 months, he asked me again, and I said yes without giving a second thought. The reason he waited for 6 months was that the moon would be closest to earth, and a comet was prophesied to fall tonight. Which were the conditions required for the gateway to open again. We were standing near the gateway while Xavier stood behind along with Kingsley.

"He always loves you, don't you think it's time for him to know you are living your life happily?" when he said, I couldn't help retort, "yes, with a vampire duke."

Instead of a reply, he pulled me closer to his chest, making Marcus lay between us, shielding him from the water.

"Marcus wants to meet his grandfather," with that, Czar nodded to Xavier, who started chanting the smell. A never force was drawing us, but Czar's protective arms around us kept us at bay. Soon a whirlpool formed, and the next moment he made us jump into it.

Xavier told me what I would feel once I fell into the pool, but I wasn't prepared for what I felt. Closing my eyes shut, I leaned my head over Czar and started praying inwardly. I was still counting numbers when Czar said, "We are here."

I didn't know how I reached my father's house, but I was Czar's hand on my back, urging me to walk ahead towards the house. I took a deep breath before ringing the bell. I hope he didn't relocate and was getting impatient at the lack of response. When I was about to ring the bell again, the door opened, and I saw my dad.

He froze at his place. We both kept staring at each other for a long time when Jenny came to see why her husband was talking time. The moment she saw me, she covered her mouth and sob.

"Hi," I said, and on cue, Marcus woke up.

He was a quiet boy like his father, who would always observe his surroundings. His grey orbs fell on me, and then he started glancing around.

"Oh my God!" Jenny gasped and hugged him.

"Come in, both of you," she took the lead when my father was still in a daze.

Once we settled down, Jenny asked, "Can I hold him?" pointing towards Marcus.

"Of course," I smiled and handed him.

I finally realized Czar's presence when he cleared his throat and asked Jenny, "Can I use your restroom?"

She immediately guided him along with Marcus. Czar gives me a smile before leaving us alone. Dad still didn't say anything and was staring at me as if he couldn't believe it. I shifted in my seat and asked, "how are you?"

"Alexis," he said in a low voice, and I could see tears brimming, and that was my undoing.

"Im sorry, Dad, I really am," I kneeled before him and said, holding his hands.

"No, I'm sorry. I was hard on you, but I was afraid to lose you. I thought like Carla, you also....." he trailed, choking over his son.

"No. I... I should have informed you ....I didn't mean to trouble you...I..." I couldn't speak and hugged him

"I love you, Dad."

We stayed for the dinner as insisted by Jenny, and I stifled a laugh when Czar made an excuse of an upset stomach. Marcus seemed happy getting the attention from my family, including my step-siblings. This was the first time I spoke to them with a smile, and I can see how happy it made them.

At the end of the night, dad asked again, "you sure you can't stay for a night?"

"Czar has his business in another country, and we came on short notice," I lied.

"Dad," I called.

"I might not be able to keep in touch with you but believe you, I will always love you," when I said, Dad immediately asked, "won't you come back?"

I wish I could, but it was complicated.

"We will definitely try to come again," Czar replied, seeing me not able to answer my father.

Dad wanted to say something, but before that, I hugged him and whispered, "I'm the lucky one to have you as my father. I will always love you. I'm happy to see you happy."

"I'm also happy for you Alexis, he loves you a lot."

Before leaving, I remember, "and tell Diana I'm sorry for leaving her alone in Chicago."

As soon as we were out of sight, Czar carried Marcus and me in his arms and ran towards the portal. Xavier told us he could hold it open for a short time.

Before jumping into the whirlpool, I whispered to Czar, "I love you and will always follow where you go."

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