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"Are you there?" Diana's voice brought my attention to the call.

"Yes..yes, I'm here. It .....never mind," I stuttered and turned once again to glance at the mirror.

"Okay, what are you waiting for then? Get ready," with that, the call got disconnected.

"Bitch!" I couldn't help cursing my friend for disconnecting the call abruptly.

By the time I was ready wearing a black backless mini dress Diana had honked from the driveway. Grabbing my phone and purse, I went downstairs only to find Jenny gazing at me from head to toe with a conflicted look.

"Are you going somewhere?" she was quick to mask her uneasiness with the choice of my clothing, not to forget the bold cherry red lipstick.

"And you are what?" I asked, crossing my bare arms over my chest.

"Alexis, your father will not be happy to see you going out like this," here she goes again as if her or Dad's opinion was a concern for me.

"Chill, you should be happy. I won't be there to spoil your happy dinner time," I said, giving her one of my fakest pouts.

"Alex—" before she could begin her motherly act, I was out of the house.

As soon as Diana's car hit the road, the exact moment Dad's car came into our view.

"Alexis?" he called me out in astonishment, halting his car abruptly.

"Have fun with your family Dad," I yelled as our car moved past through his hatchback.

"Alexis!" the concern in his voice made a chuckle escape my throat.

"What with the chuckle?" Diana asked, raising her perfectly shaped brow.

"Nothing, for a second, I felt he was concerned about me," I said, facing my friend.

"Okay, tonight is not the light to be emotional. Tonight is the night of—" before she could finish, I added, "buns and sausages."

"Yeah, baby! Tonight we will be making history; people will take our names with utmost regard," she said, making me ask her immediately, "and why will they?"

"Before tonight, men were called predatory, but after tonight, they will call us predatory slayers; I would make sure by the end of the night I would make at least one man beg for my mercy," she said, howling like a maniac.

"Diana, are you already drunk?" I asked, frowning at her.

"Fair is foul and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air," and now she is quoting Shakespeare, yup, she is legit drunk. I made a mental note to take a cab while going back.

I would have described my adventure of the night only if I could remember. The only thing I remember was we both entered the club where Allen was already waiting with one of his friends for us.

"I guess you again forgot to inform me it was going to be a double date?" the moment I told Diana averted her gaze, mumbling, "Maybe."

We had a few drinks and then hit the floor, Diana and Allen busying rubbing their bodies on each other while dancing and I, with Matt or Nate, whatever was his name. He was cute, but I don't date. It was fun dancing with him, but that was it; I know he wanted to take things further, but I wanted to enjoy feeling his body rather than emotions.

Emotions? Do I believe in them? Hell no.

Matt or Nate, pressing his body against me was the last substantial memory I had of the night. I vaguely remember sitting in the car and going into slumber only to be broken by none other than prickled Diana sitting beside Allen and pushing me out of the cab. I knew she was eager to make out with her boyfriend. I could not walk steadily and stumbled on my feet when I felt an arm around my shoulder.

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