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I had the power to read minds, and if not for my love for her blocking my power, I would have easily read her mind when I looked into her eyes. She stopped protesting even when I touched and kissed her.

However, I didn't have to read her mind to know she was lying. She was lying about the part where she said she will let me have her. It was evident on her face that she was buying time, and I gave her the luxury to think she could escape. No matter how much she tries, eventually, she has to come back to me.

But I was not prepared for her persistence to leave the castle and that too within a few moments of leaving her inside the room. Her defiance was infuriating my demon, and considering her state of delusion, I was patient, but the moment I saw her in slave attire, I couldn't hold my rage.

"Had fun, love?" when I asked, it made her halt in her tracks momentarily, and she did something she shouldn't have. She ran. She ran inside the meadow without even looking back, thinking that would save her.

Maybe I should tell her the truth, that will save the time she will use to escape the moment she would get a chance, and I won't be running out of patience. She needed to learn a hard lesson before it would sink into her skull.

I let her run away as I know it won't take long for me to reach her in no time. The meadow was enormous, and the forest was dense. She won't last long. She was not aware of things in our world and soon would be helpless like a deer caught in a chase. As I anticipated, before she even could reach the forest limit, she passed out. It never came as a surprise to me as she was exerting her body and the lack of nutrients to her body was like a catalyst.

In mere hours, she ended up passing out twice. When I reached her, I saw her lying on her back with her arms lying around her head. I felt the presence of wild animals around us, ready to pounce on her but, the moment they saw me, they whimpered in fear and started drifting back into the woods.

The rage intensified inside me with each passing moment. I held her in my arms, and for once, her proximity didn't let me feel calm. As soon as I reached the castle, I called for Xavier. I gave my words to let him live if I get my Alexandra, but I never promised to let him go. I needed his service, and this was one such moment where I needed him.

I wanted her to be awake as early as he could make her, and it was time for her to know where she was now.

When I reached the room, I called my guard to drag the unconscious human from my bed, and if not for the time constraint, I would have torn the bed into shreds for its smell of the low life. The rest of the humans were terrified of their lives after witnessing how the slave was dumped into the dungeons awaiting her punishment.

Straightaway I took Alexandra to the water tub, getting rid of the filthy maid's attire, and carried her inside in my arms, naked. Placing her head over the edge of the tub, I started cleaning her body, feeling her softness against my fingers. For a moment, I had an urge to claim her then and there when she was lying before me at my mercy, but I want her to witness the moment when I would enter her, that will make her realize to whom she belongs.

That mere thought caused my cock to twitch, and I couldn't help hovering over her, dipping my head into her neck. Her smell soothes me. My fingers, on their own, started brushing her swell gently, and I sucked her pulsing point, rubbing my thumb over her buds. I needed the consolation to subside my desire, and this was the least I could refrain myself.

Dressing her in a fine silk gown, the one she deserved to wear, I carried her into the bedroom. By now, a new bed was instated along with the bedding. I knew Xavier would be waiting outside for my command.

"You call this on yourself, love," I murmured, pecking her lips.

I straightened up and ordered, "Come in."

"His Grace," Xavier greeted without looking at us.

"I want her to be awake, now," I said, frowning at her peaceful form.

After infuriating me, she was lying peacefully on the bed. But now, anymore. 20 years I waited for her, 20 damn years I searched for her everywhere. for 20 long years, I craved her touch and her presence.

Xavier looked like he wanted to ask, but he was smart enough not to infuriate me more. With a nod from me, he walked towards the bed and held her wrist with utmost care. He wasn't supposed to touch her, but I knew if it was not required, he wouldn't even think about it. A maid was already helping him with making the potion which he hesitantly passed the bowl to me.

"After drinking the potion, she would be awake in a few minutes. This potion will help to replenish her energy and keep her active," Xavier said and walked back away from the bed.

"Prepare some more. She will need it more from tonight onward," I said.

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