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After the kiss, she let me wash her, while I couldn't help give extra attention to her core and tits. When she winced while I tried to rub her, I moved my hand away and continued to clean other parts. Once clothed, we walk out of the chamber towards the food that was prepared for her. She kept glancing at me every now and then while eating. I intended to stay the day with her; however, an urgent summon from King Arthur made me leave her for the time being.

"While I'm gone, you will rest, and in the evening I will show you the castle," I said, pecking her swollen lips.

She looked exhausted, and on top of that, her baffled state exaggerated her tiredness. A nod was the reply I got but, this time it was fine by me. She didn't cringe or tremble at my touch.

As soon as I stepped out of the room, Kingsley was behind me in a flash, reporting me of the urgent counsel summoned by the King.

"Rebels," he snarled.

Things have been heating up between our kind and revolting humans, who close to fight rather than submit to slavery. They were called Rebels.

"Last time I heard it was said they went into hiding," I replied, as we entered the room to teleport to the King's castle.

"We found two of ours dead by the riverside, and the cause of death was a stab on the chest," Kingsley informed, and soon we reached the teleport room of the King's castle.

Our conversation halted when Liam came into the view. He was a Duke like me and had always been against me for reasons known only to him. I never understood the reason behind his strong grudge against me. Perhaps the fact that I was closer to King Arthur than Liam could be the reason.

"What a lovely day brother," Liam said as soon as we step before each other. His sinister smile gave me a reason to frown.

"Indeed it is," I replied, to sound as cordial as possible since other dukes were in the room along with us.

"Should I assume your nights are well spent unlike before?" The moment he said, my fury reached its peak. That bastard knew about Alexandra and was goading me.

"If I were you, I would be worried about my night rather than others, Lord Liam. Raping human girls doesn't seem to fetch you the desired outcome I believe," I said, and soon his orbs turned red in anger. I couldn't help smirk at his reaction. He was in delusion if he believed, only he kept an eye on me.

I have been keeping an eye on him, and since the time I brought back Alexandra, I had been extra careful, but that arse had been sniffing around.

"Be careful there, Lord Salazar. Being in King's good books will not fetch you an heir," he snarled.

"I would rather let my action speak, and now, if you may please, shall we move? Shouldn't let King wait for us," with that, I gesture to him to walk.

When I entered the counsel room, I found King Arthur in deep thought, something I saw him doing rarely, and which also means, the situation was grave. I took my seat while Kingsley stood behind me, along with the rest of the guards.

When Noel, King's guard whispered into King's ear, was when he noticed the presence around him.

"Welcome, my dukes," he said, with a straight face.

Silence prevailed in the room, with all our attention on the king.

"The rebels are growing stronger. The number of deaths of our kind is increasing drastically. It seems they found a way to kill us without using Velirium," his words had the tension rising in the air.

Veliruim was a herb toxic for vampires. If taken, it would shut down the brain, and eventually, a vampire will be in a vegetative state. Humans could then dismember a vampire and then burn them in order to kill them. This had been an open secret, hence we were vigilant against the harmful herb and had destroyed it completely. However, they had been growing it in a secret location, and a specific group among us had been on its hunts.

"We have to control the situation before things get out of our hands. Now, they found another way, and I won't be surprised if they come up with many more ways to kill us," King Arthur said, glancing around the counsel.

"We have been hunting the rebels, sooner or later, we will perish each one of them," Liam said, but his words fail to convince the King.

"Time is changing, and if we don't adapt to it, it will only backfire on us. They have our weaknesses, as we had theirs. Force will not work on tackling humans now," when King Arthur, I couldn't agree more.

"If we show them one of their kind is ruling, there is a chance, both vampire and human can co-exist," I suggested.

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