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I followed the king out of the room quietly; His guards trailing behind us. As soon as we reached his study chamber, the guards took their place, and I stepped inside before closing the door silently. King Arthur was walking toward his desk but abruptly turned to face me.

"Is it true, Lord Salazar? You use the gateway to travel to the future world to get the human girl?" He seemed to be upset with the revelation.

"Yes, Your Highness," I said, locking my hands behind and looking at him with respect.

"You know there would be consequences, and what if a human or one of the dukes use the same to go into the future? What if they get something from the future they can use against us?" he said, sitting on the canape nearby.

"I have reasons to do so, if you may allow; I want to justify myself and hope you will understand my reasoning," I said, standing before the king.

"Speak," the moment king said, I began, "An heir, who is half human and half vampire, will come into existence only if it is conceived out of true love. This piece of information I didn't share with the rest, knowing well some of the Duke will misuse it."

This caught King Arthur's attention, yet he did not interrupt me and let me finish.

"I wasn't sure how genuine the theory was and wanted to test it on me. But with Alexandra's demise, this took a back step. However, when the wizard told me about the reincarnation of Alexandra, I decided to take the risk and brought her," I told the partial truth. I lied when I said I brought Alexandra to test the theory of mixed offspring.

I would reach the end of the world to get her. I was killing two birds with one arrow, and surprisingly it worked in my favor. I could see a relief wash over King's face for a fraction before he masked it.

"And as for someone else using the gateway, then it won't be happening again. Firstly the gateway has to be open using a complicated spell, which most of the wizards are not well versed with. Second, it has been sealed and could only be opened when a comet falls on our ground and when the moon is closest to us. These conditions are hard to meet at the same time. The gateway won't be opened without fulfilling all these conditions along with a powerful wizard, and wizards will never break the spell seal made by another wizard. They are bound by their oath of brotherhood," I concluded.

King Arthur was contemplating my words, and I let the understanding sink into him after all his words were final. If he is convinced, the rest all have to agree even if they don't want to.

"Very well, I always have my faith in you. Your passion for serving the kingdom is always commendable. This month we have a ball at the castle. I want you to bring your woman along with you to the ball. I should also see how your true love looks like now."

"Of course, Your Highness," I replied.

I tensed. I couldn't deny the king and had to oblige to his request. However, taking Alexandra to the ball will only bring her to the notice of other dukes, especially, and the constant danger that would be hovering over her was another matter of concern for me. And it was still early for her, for us, to declare her as my woman to the world. I didn't even know whether she would readily accept the reality and needed more time to grasp without getting frightened.

When we walked back to the room, King Arthur seemed to be in a good mood, which caught Liam's scrutiny. The counsel ended after a long discussion over the measures to take to retaliate to rebel. Most of the time, the discussion was filled with Liam's disapproval of any of my suggestions and his insistence to kill humans instead of making peace with them. King Arthur voted in favor of my suggestion for an heir, and then the meeting continued with other ministries' matters.

Liam tried to provoke me again, and instead of falling for his trait, I entered the teleport room and came back to my castle. I couldn't wait to see, love, and spend time with her. Although she was obliging to him, I wanted her to accept her life with me wholeheartedly. Kingsley was still talking to me when, in a flash, I left behind, puzzled, in the teleport room and entered his bedroom.

My eyes first fell on the bed and finding it empty I looked towards the gallery outside the room only to see her looking towards the falls. I strode towards her and caged him in my arms with a smile. Unlike last time, she didn't flinch but stood silent letting me inhale her mesmerizing smell. Alexandra had a unique smell, not flowery but sweet. I couldn't help turn her around and feel her more with a kiss.

Cupping her face with my palms, I kissed her tenderly all the while her eyes were looking into mine as if trying to solve a mystery. When I slid my tongue into her lips, her eyes twirl with need and she fists my shirt before returning the kiss with closed eyes. I moaned in approval and trailed down one of my hands to pull her closer by her waist.

After the kiss, I let her catch her breath and kept stroking her heated cheek with my thumb. She curled her fingers around my wrists while her eyes were still closed.

"Weren't you supposed to be resting?" I asked, leaning my forehead over hers. 

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