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The next morning when I woke up, I found myself pressed against something hard. I raised my head, frowning at the numbness over one side of the face, which was pressed against the hard thing. What came to my view was Czar's handsome face, and I was sleeping over his chest; he was naked. I remember well that I slept on my side while Czar slept with his arm over me.

I tried rising myself up from his chest; however, his strong arm over my waist was pinning me down. After multiple failed attempts, I sigh and quit. With only his face to my view, I looked at his handsome face carefully. After our first meet in the club, this was the first time I was looking at him properly. The dim light of the club didn't do justice to his perfect features, although even in that scarce light he looked like royalty, which he undoubtedly is, in his world.

His bold brows were symmetric with his strong jawline. His roman nose, perfect than God could ever make. My gaze flitted over his lips. Nothing about his feature I could point out was out of shape. I felt, if I measured both sides of his lips from his cupid bow, they would turn out to be exactly the same. I don't know why I was obsessive staring at his lips, and when my gaze flitted over his eyes, I gasped. Grey orbs were staring at me. I was so lost looking at his lips that I didn't notice when he woke up.

To cover up my embarrassment, I stuttered in a gruff voice, "Goodmorning."

"Indeed, it's a good morning," he said with a lopsided smirk. His voice husky even though he just woke up, unlike mine.

"Sorry, I disturbed you, I will just move...." I trailed when I saw him not focusing on my words and still giving out the smirk.

"I need to use the loo," I lied when I realized he didn't intend to let me out.

He obliged. He removed his hand and locked both his arms behind his head, his biceps flexing sultrily, and I forgot to move away from him at that moment. My palms were resting over his hardened chest, and the sight of him lying like Adonis made me stare at him shamelessly.

"Love?" his voice brought me out of trance, and I pushed away from him when I heard him chuckle at my lost state.

I averted my gaze and hurriedly scooted over to the bed's edge and stood up when he grabbed my wrist to stop me. My face was flushed with the embarrassment of getting caught staring at him, not once, but twice, and I refused to face him to embarrass myself more.

"Love, you didn't let me say good morning properly," his voice devoid of earlier playfulness.

I abruptly turned toward him in confusion. Czar was already sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled me closer between his parted legs. The hunger in his eyes while staring at me, sends a shudder over my body but not in fear. He pulled me closer till his face was at level with my chest. With his heated gaze, my buds were already puckered, the outline of which showed through my gown. I peered down at him while his eyes traveled from my lips over my neck and halted at my chest.

"Let me say a proper good morning," he said, running his fingers tenderly over the sides and brushing his thumbs over the sagging part of my breasts.

My hands, on their own, went over his shoulders. He hasn't even started his ministrations, yet I could feel the desire emitting out of our bodies. I let him slide down the strap from my shoulder until my swell was bare for him.

"Good morning," he murmured, grazing it with his thumb and latching on it the next moment.

I couldn't help moving closer to him making it easier for him to devour it. He closed his eyes and moaned in approval. Something stirred in my heart when I saw the desperation for me in his eyes before he closed them. Instead of getting aroused, I felt elated. I felt elated, realizing someone could be so crazy for me, crazy to an extent he could go against the time to have me in his life.

I ran my fingers in his silky locks while peering at him, assaulting my swell hungrily. His perfect lips opening and engulfing my softest flesh; the way his lips closed around my nipple before he nibbled it softly with his teeth; then taking the whole breast into his mouth and sucking it. I was aroused looking at him but, more than arousal, the thought of someone going mad for me, made my chest swell with an unknown emotion.

I heard him chuckle against my nipple and say, "Where are my manners; I forgot to attend the other one."

With that, he slid down the other strap, making the gown fall on the floor. He took the other breast in his mouth while kneading the first one. I noticed his hair falling over his forehead with his movement, blocking his face, and the chance to read his raw emotions on his face. I slowly brushed them over, combing them back over his scalp. I love the feel of his silky hair against my fingers and couldn't help run both my hands over them, sighing in elation.

My core was throbbing with pleasure and my own need, seeing him feasting on my body, but I let him have his time. The cold breeze caressing my entire body while he was sucking my breast was accentuating the pleasure inside me. I smiled, seeing him content with my submission. I closed my eyes when he sucked my breast hard, hard enough to feel the ripple pass from my nipple and end at my core.

When I opened my eyes, my gaze fell on the waterfall. The rising sun in the background was making the view serene. I was still fisting and playing with his hair while looking at the fall in contemplation. I still couldn't understand how and why I saw it in my dream. How could I dream of something I never saw before? Or how could I dream of things I would be seeing later? Like a deja vu.

"Oh," I moaned hard, closing my eyes when he deliberately grazed my sensitive nipple with his teeth and then sucking it deep.

"Eyes on me, love," he murmured, not stopping his assault.

"I'm all yours," I whispered back in need, leaning my body closer to his mouth, as close as I could try to. 

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