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I laid above her, still holding the edge of the bed, while her soft body was pressed under my sculpted one. Her sensitive buds puckered and her legs laid wide apart with me inside her. The sound of her frantically beating heart was all I could hear.

Once, just once, my beast instigated me.

My head was still buried in her hair and her enticing smell was suggesting to agree with my beast. Her warm hole felt divine and exotic and I want to feel it again and again. Neither her body trembles ceased nor her ragged breathing was even. I was well aware of her silence sobs while I was torn between agreeing to my beast or think rationally. At one point I almost considered to take her again if not for her soft whispers that hold her agony and despair.

"Are you done?" and I raised my head to look at her.

Her eyeballs flitted behind her partially closed eyelid and she looked like she was on the verge of passing out.

"If you are done..." she trailed, choking on a hiccup before adding, "can you leave me, please?"

I couldn't help cup her face hearing the pain behind her words, "Alexandra."

Since the time I met her, she never pleaded to me, not the way she was saying please now. It felt like she was broken and as a last resort submitted a plea and a strong urge to take her pain away flooded me. While I was fazed by her painful appeal, my beast was having his own thoughts and was controlling my cock, which twitched seeing her helplessness in her voice.

She closed her eyes when my cock was started to get hard again inside her and before it could lead to another round with her, I removed it from inside her making her gasp with the sudden moment. Her head moved sideways and she was fisting the bedding with force, the impact of which turned her knuckles white.

"Love," I called her out, seeing her struggling to breathe.

"Please, please," she broke down eventually, not even trying to resist. She choked on her sobs and I had no other option but to move away from her.

The moment I stood up, my gaze fell on the blood dripping on the bedding and my beast growled in hunger. My taste buds recollected the savour of her sweet blood when I licked it off her lips. I had to turn away from her when the smell of her blood was making my beast growled. My neck flexed when the beast was trying to take control over me and before I knew it, my fangs were out, ready to take her.

I know the sound of the growl terrified her yet she laid on the bed shutting her eyes tightly, her quivering breath was enough to show me her fright yet she didn't have in her to think of even escaping now. I needed to stay away from her or I would end up ripping her hole with my brutal fuck- the idea that my beast was planing if not for my control over him. I tossed the duvet over her and grabbed my clothes, and in a flash I walked out of the room. I needed blood and even though it was not time for my routine to take my blood supply, however, her unique taste had unleashed the monster within me. In my century old life, I couldn't reign it in.

Just once, once again claim her. Her warm hole was mesmerizing, her soft body— with great difficulty I shut my thoughts and went towards the dungeons to find a human to suck the blood, my thirst was so high I knew whoever was targeted by me would end up losing their life.

I almost reached the dungeons when her words flashed, you won't hurt them?

I halted in my track and snarled loudly on being torn between keeping my words or fulfilling my thirst that was burning me from inside.

Please, her whimper from a few moments ago brought back the required sanity in me and I rushed towards the forest.

It took three grizzly bears to cease the burning inside me with thirst and I could control the urge to take her again. The fight with the bears exhausted me physically and the delay in taking the blood accentuated my tiredness. By the time I was back, Alexandra was lying in the same position, with her arms in a surrendering position. Although, her breathing was even, her furrowed forehead told me everything I didn't need to know.

She was haunted by a nightmare and I was sure it had me in it. I lean down on my forearm to trace my finger over her creased forehead; however, it only made her chin tremble even in her sleep. I knew Kingsley had already got Xavier but I needed to clean her before I could let him touch her again. Few more days, till her body could settle in my world and I wouldn't need anyone near my love.

She winced when I put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her up, her chin wobble again followed by a sob. She looked tired when I brushed away the hair from her tear stained cheek. My mark stood out against her snow white skin and she was still fisting her palms-even in her sleep. Usually when humans relax in their sleep they tend to keep their palms open.

She winced again and turned her head towards my chest when I put my other arm under her knees and pulled her up from the bed. I know she was in deep sleep when she didn't wake up and instead wince in pain. I don't regret taking her tonight as I have already waited for the moment since years. I regret only the pain she had to endure, only if she could submit to me completely I could give her immense pleasure making her forget the pain but she was stubborn as a mule. In earlier life, she would submit to me with a single touch and the love she had for me, as if I meant everything to her. But this Alexandra was the opposite of her.

Her forehead relaxed with the warm bath and her body visibly relaxed. By the time I carried her back, the bedding was changed. I have to do something about my untamed thirst around her, since the time I licked her blood and my beast wouldn't stop instigating me. I laid her down and sat beside her stroking my knuckles over her cheek and it was then when I ordered to send Xavier in.

He said his greetings and continued with his work along with a slave human. I neither told him anything nor he asked me. My silence was enough to warn anyone about my fury and her face was the only thing keeping me at bay. Just a day since I brought her and so much has happened. Her concern for humans, her denial towards me, my changing stance just to keep her happy; just a day and I felt like this was the long day of my immortal life.

"Her Grace is in good health now. I have prepared necessary potions for her, it will.." he trailed off in uneasiness and I raised my eyes, "help her with pain when I take her again?" I asked.

An uneasy nod was what I got in reply and I waved him off to leave.

I looked at Alexandra again and leaned down to kiss her forehead, "you are my mate now, bound to me till eternity."

I laid beside her, placing my head over her heart and closed my eyes listening to its beats before I drifted into darkness.

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