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There are times when good news brings a new threat to your life. I was ecstatic after knowing Alexandra was in love with me, and the proof of our love bond was residing in her womb. But with the news came the danger. Unknowingly she became a target of many once they know about her existence and the heir in her.

Although I have Xavier, who would use his wizardry and potion-making skill to prevent any complication from happening to the child and Alexandra. Liam was still a concern; he was planning something big, I can feel that. Since he failed in conceiving a true heir, he would try tooth and nail to harm Alexandra to eliminate the child in her womb.

Even the rebels so far didn't respond to our peace treaty, and things were heating up. Except for my confidante, Xavier, and Kingsley, only King Arthur knew about the child. The day I got to know about her pregnancy was the day I informed the King, as it was what obligations demanded me to do. Hearing about her pregnancy, King even pardons her that put me at ease.

It was almost two months since Xavier announced her pregnancy, and her body started showing signs. Her protruding belly was now obvious under her clothes which made it even more difficult to hide her pregnancy from the human slaves or take her out for an evening walk. Her face radiated a new glow making her look more like an angel than a human.

Even her food and sleep habits changed. It was afternoon time, and Alexandra was lying peacefully on the bed, unaware of the threat lurking around. The child already started exhausting her, and it was evident in the long hours of her sleep. At first, she couldn't stomach anything and would throw up even if she ate only a morsel. Xavier came to the rescue and prepared a potion to control her nausea.

However, he insisted I should let her rest more, as the child's growth was unlike a human child. It was growing fast, and in another one months, he would be born to claim his place. I knew Alexandra was scared from inside, but she would always smile whenever I asked and said, "I know you won't let anything happen to me.

I was still looking at her when Kingsley, who stood outside, notified me that Xavier wanted to talk to me. Unless it is not urgent, Xavier would never dare to disturb me when I'm with Alexandra.

Pushing away from the strand of hair from her forehead, I leaned and kissed her before stepping out.

"What's the matter?" I asked as soon as I saw Xavier and motioned him to walk towards my study. Kingsley stood guarding Alexandra's door along with 4 other guards. Expect for him I would never trust anyone with her.

"I'm afraid it's something urgent," Xavier said, and I nodded at him in understanding.

It was not until we reached my study when Xavier said, "Elixir is in its final stage of preparation and just needed Pubersky to be added in it to complete the potion; however, even after exhausting my resources and contacts with other wizard or healer, I couldn't get my hands on it. Which only means I have to look for it personally in the Garden of Eden; that is where it is believed to be found."

"Garden of Eden?the one in the far country?" I asked.

"Yes, the same Garden of Eden where no wizard's magic will ever work or no vampire can use their power. The same place which is barren to human eyes and which requires one to travel on foot to find it," he replied.

After a long pause, I said, "I will go."

The moment I said, Xavier replied, "His Grace, you can't leave Her Grace at this delicate time when she would need you, and moreover, it will take more than a month to travel there and come back with Pubersky ."

"More than my presence, she needs Elixir, I want her to be protected from every danger, and it is the only way for it. The more time I waste, the faster the danger is approaching her. I can survive without food, and with my strength, I will be able to come back earlier than you. Only you and I know about this; hence I couldn't send anyone else too."

"Prepare for my journey tomorrow morning, and where I'm traveling should remain between us," with that, I left him to go back to my room.

Once Alexandra takes the Elixir, I would have one less thing to worry about. I wanted to spend quality time with her before I set out for my journey and tell her about my trip. During these two months, she became mentally and emotionally dependent on me. There were times where I could be consoling her when she would be having another emotional breakdown about nothing. She would start crying for no reason or would be hyperactive the next moment. Even though I didn't want to leave her, but still she is my weakness, I will never have peace of mind thinking about her safety.

According to her sleep routine, Alexandra woke up after an hour and seemed to be in a happy mood. Maybe the sleep might have refreshed her exhausted body. She loved to walk around the waterfall, and I made sure to take her before supper. During our long walk, she started talking about her favorite topic, how the child will look. Intentionally, I didn't disclose my travel to her, not until she was well-fed and took her potion.

If I thought she was stubborn earlier, then her pregnancy made her worse. If I don't listen to her, she would stop eating or taking the potion. I learned it the hard way. During the supper, she was narrating what all she planned to do with our child. I patiently waited till she gulped the last drop of her medicine and then announced my travel plan.

As expected, Alexandra didn't take it well and cried the night. Her fear was triggering her to cry, but I made my mind. The next morning with a heavy heart, I took her leave. She cried, holding me for a long time before I kissed her hard and walked away. I had to meet the King to excuse myself from the long absence.

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