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The night went by with me tossing and turning on the couch. For even the slightest of noise, I jerk up from the restless sleep, and it was evident on my face the next morning. My face looked pale, and I had bags under my eyes; nevertheless, I cheered myself up for the day. I need to find a job as soon as possible and have a few places to visit for the same after my school.

My phone was ringing continuously since morning, and without glancing at it, I knew it would be my dad calling me. I couldn't understand him, all the time when I was with him, I had long for his attention, and now, when I forsook him from his duties, why was he persistent in talking to me? I wasn't surprised when I saw his hatchback parked near the school. I was good at pretending, like how I pretended to be a brat but deep down, I would be licking my open wounds. Likewise, I pretended not to see him and walked inside the campus when I heard him call me out. I would have ignored him if not for Diana's stare, telling me to have closure; instead of running.

"Hi," I said nonchalantly.

He looked sleep-deprived, he looked tired, it did pinch my heart, but I was bound to leave him sooner or later.

"Hey, how are you?" he replied with a smile. He sighed in relief when he saw me unharmed.

"So, what's up?" when he didn't talk and instead kept looking at me, I asked.

"I'm sorry," he said, lowering his gaze, but I already saw the tears. Maybe he was genuinely sorry, but I passed through it now. Even if I go back with him, I was anyway leaving for Chicago after a few months.

"It's okay," I swallowed the lump and replied.

"Won't you..." I was about to turn when his words stopped me, "won't you come back?"

"No, and yea, I will be moving to Chicago at the end of this term, maybe..." I started retreating. With a shrug, I continued, "just thought to let you know."

Telling him about Chicago was the final straw. I saw his shoulder dropped before he whispered, "I will always love you."

With that, I turned away from him and briskly walked inside the school. Neither he stopped nor I looked back. My breathing was quivering, and my tears were on the verge of spilling, but I held them till I locked myself in the bathroom. I always knew this day would come, but never I realized it would be this painful. Once I let out my emotions, I pull up my mask back on and continue the day.

After school, Diana accompanied me to the places I listed to check out for my job. As we were crossing the club we went to last night, I saw a commotion and police cars; maybe someone filed a complaint against them. Brushing the thought aside, we continued to travel to the grocery store I applied for.

"Okay, this one seems to be easy," Diana said, looking at the store.

"When the time is wrong, nothing will be easy," I murmured, the bitterness of getting rejected from the other places was still on.

"Don't be so negative, see, the owner is a cute couple, I'm sure if you tell them you are saving for your education, they will hire you plus this place is not face from Allen's apartment," I sometimes envy my friend, for having a supportive family and a boyfriend to love. I don't even have a car.

Without any hope, I went in. They were an elder couple and were looking for help to manage their store. I answered their basic questions, knowing they would also turn me down; however, I was in for a surprise when they hired me. More than me, Diana was happy and as absurd as she was; her lame excuse to drag me to the club was even more ridiculous.

To celebrate, she dragged me to the same club, but we were informed it was closed for investigation. I don't know why a shudder passed through me when I heard a bartender was killed, and certain grey orbs flashed before me. Goosebumps crawled over my skin, and I rubbed my forearms intuitively. I felt someone breathing over my neck, and I jerk around only to see no one. I don't know, but I felt as if someone was standing behind me. Since the time I heard about the murder, I couldn't help feel a heated gaze on me, and the moment I turned in the direction, I saw no one.

I wanted to share my fear with Diana, but I know she will dismiss it, saying I was trying to fool her again. That night, I requested her to stay with me, which she obliged without any suspicion. Her presence eases me, and I went into my slumber without any nightmare. The next morning, I woke up fresh, and the fear of being watched lessened; however, something over my neck was itching since morning. Earlier I thought it could be some insect bite, but when I saw it in the mirror except for two dots, there was nothing peculiar.

After school, Diana dropped me at the store on my first day. What looked like a simple job turned out to be a mess. The couple was old; hence they were finding it difficult to organize their shop. Nothing seemed to be arranged from the stock to the cash register; no wonder they were facing difficulty maintaining the store. I don't blame them; owing to their age, it was natural for them to miss keeping up with the technology.

My shift started, organizing the cash counter first, and by the end of it, I had organized the stock room partially. I smiled when I looked at the result of my hard work, and a feeling of contentment passed through me. The couple gave me an astonishing look at first and then patted my back for effort.

"That was so grateful of you," Uncle Tom can't stop appreciating me.

"Oh my, it's way too late for you, Alexis. Sorry to keep you late," Aunt Shirley said, looking at the wall clock.

"Tom, you should drop her," she added, to which I immediately replied, "Don't worry, both of you, my apartment is nearby, and I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

The moment I winked at Uncle Tom, I thought I heard someone growl, and when I turned towards the direction, again there was no one. At the back of my mind, I had this feeling, and my mind was urging me to let Uncle Tom escort me; however, the stubborn me wavered off the feeling.

Placing my headphone over my ear, I played my favorite song and started walking towards the apartment. The street was not deserted, which I was thankful for. As soon as I took a turn in the dark alley, someone grabbed me from behind, making my headphones displace, and as soon as I opened my mouth to scream for help, my abductor pushed something into my mouth, which I refused to swallow at any cost. I kept thrashing and hitting him with all my might; however, he seemed to be unfazed.

His hold on my waist tightened to an extent I winced in pain, and a muffled shriek escaped when he bit me, and I ended up swallowing whatever he put in my mouth.

"Alexandra," was all I heard before darkness consumed me.

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