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After falling unconscious that day, with Czar still thrusting inside me, I found myself on the bed when I woke up, and Czar was nowhere to be seen. After that morning, Czar made sure to take me hard every night, not that I was complaining. Earlier, we would always have sex in the bed, in a cultivated way, but now every corner, every piece of furniture smells of us. Even in the morning, instead of ignoring his boner, he made sure to attend to his boner, of course, by drilling straight into my hole.

Like the other day, I was still asleep and was exhausted from the previous night. Instead of waiting for me to wake up, he started eating my core as if, after days he was ravishing it. And when I woke up with the pleasure building inside, he didn't wait and entered my hole in one go. His madness was taking me to a new high, I couldn't deny I was not enjoying it.

And one night, when I was waiting for him, instead of announcing his arrival, he flashed before me and started fingering me. Luckily our back was towards the maids, and they didn't see what we were up to. Czar deliberately ordered the maid to stay when I asked them to leave. I couldn't deny the thought of doing dirty in front of someone was one hell of an experience. The more I tried to stop moaning, the more vigorously he would finger me. Czar was corrupting me day by day. Because of him, my sexual drive spiked.

I couldn't understand how my questions changed him so much. Every time I reached my orgasm, cried out in pleasure, begged him to keep going, or every time he filled me, he made sure to ask me the same question.

"Do you think the madness I have for you will ever extinguish?"

I couldn't refute it. The hunger and the desire he has for me, doesn't look like it will ever cease. Was it his way to answer my question? Was he telling me what he feels for me through his sex? Was he making love to me?

Wait! Love?

It has been days since our encounter near the waterfall, and since then I lost count, how many times I woke to see him between my legs. Even if I woke up before him, he would apologize by sucking my breast till I couldn't feel them.

Just this morning, when my eyes fluttered and I opened them, intuitively my gaze fell on the hunched monster between my legs. How can I be angry at him, when his tongue was wiping the last trace of sanity in me.

"Czar," I groaned, partially in annoyance for disrupting my sleep and partially in arousal.

"I can taste your arousal, love. You can't lie to me," he chuckled but continued.

However, something around my neck caught my attention. Before I could touch it, his tongue flicked inside me and I cried out shattering in pleasure. Even before I could get hold of my breathing, he pulled me up and was already devouring my breast.

"My apologies, I didn't say good morning to them," he said, before sucking it deep and I couldn't help fist his hair.

"It's beautiful," I said, in between my pants, looking at the white necklace with green stone as a pendant.

"You like it?" Czar asked, moving to my other breast.

I moaned, both in affirmation and loving his assault over my breast. I cradle his head with affection, as always, and closed my eyes, biting the corner of my lower lip. And like every morning, he attended his boner, ramming it inside me.

I half laid with my back on his chest. Our clothes and the bedding, tossing somewhere on the floor. His one palm cupping my breast and another brushing over my waist. The necklace laid beautifully just above my breast valley.

Each day, after our morning session, he would wait till I have my food and then leave for his work. When one day I asked him out of curiosity, he replied, "Kingdom's work."

I never wanted to get involved in his world, I only want him. I want him to spend as much time as he could spend with me. I always enjoyed his company whenever we are not having sex. Even after our first round, he would give me time and at that moment we spoke about everything at the same time about nothing. I don't know, since when I started missing him in his absence, something I never thought I would do.

Today, he didn't seem to have any place to go and was absentminded grazing my nipple.

"They are already sensitive and painful now," I murmurs, to which he chuckled and said, "Can't get enough of them. You can't lay naked before me and expect me not to touch your breasts. They are addictive."

"Are we celebrating?" I asked instead, looking at the green square pendant, brimmed with small diamonds.

"It's yours," he said and kissed my temple.

"You need to wear it, always," he added.

He would be wild during sex but be gentle other times. And I started to love both sides of him. I turned sideways and raised my head to let him kiss my forehead. His thumb pad over my sensitive bud was unintentionally sending a spark but more than that I was lost looking into his eyes.

"Will you stay the day?" I asked hopefully.

It was not because I was lonely, but there was this strange pull I felt for him. I noticed something flashed in his eyes before he nodded and gave a peck on my lips.

"As you command, My Lady."

Letting out a sigh, I dropped my head over his chest and soon drifted into slumbers. By the time I woke up, I found a sheet covering my bare body and I was alone. I hastily looked around, only to find him standing in the gallery, with his back towards me. I rushed out of the bed and hugged him from behind.

"Did I disrupt your sleep?" he asked, clutching my arms.


He slowly turned around and pulled me into him, leaning over the railing. I was stark naked as compared to his clothed form.

"There's a dance ball at the end of this week and the King has specially asked for you," he said, tucking my hair, tossing with the wind, behind my ear.

"Me? Why? How does he know about me?"

"You are my woman, love," he said encaging me in his arms, and in a daze, I placed my head over his shoulder.

You are my woman, why does it stir something in my heart?

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