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It has been about a month since I saw Czar when he was leaving for his journey. He said if it wasn't important and wasn't related to me, he would never have decided to go. Our baby was also missing his father too and had been restless like me. Every night I would wear Czar's clothes to feel him around us; that was the only way our baby would calm down.

Kingsley had been following me like a shadow in Czar's absence. I don't know what Czar told him before leaving, but he was vigilant. Although I was not caged in the room and was allowed to move anywhere before stepping out, I had to inform Kingsley. At first, I was confused, but when I saw the castle will be deserted as soon as I step out, I understood; Czar didn't want to reveal my pregnancy to anyone and wanted to be hidden.

The maids that stayed with me, I don't know how he allowed them to stay with me. But something was wrong with them. They looked as if they were in a daze and would blindly follow me and were literally staying with me in the room.

Every night, Xavier will examine me and then prepare a potion then and there and ask me to drink. Before leaving, Czar made me promise to him that I would take care of myself and the baby and always follow what Xavier would tell me to do.

It was early evening, and I was waiting for Xavier eagerly. Since morning, I felt weird and once or twice felt bone-shattering pain; however, it subsided as quickly as it came. I wanted to inform him about the pains. Even the baby was down today, and I didn't feel his movement inside me. I didn't want to be paranoid, but a bad feeling was nagging me in the back of my head. Even my heart was beating rapidly, and to ease my palpitation, I went out in the gallery to my favorite spot.

The waterfalls always ease me since the day I came and have been a silent companion to me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to feel the serenity of nature. My moment was broken when there was a knock followed by Kingsley's heavy voice, "Xavier is here."

"Please send him in," I replied and turned to enter the room when the same pain hit me, and I had to lean in the door frame to support my body.

I couldn't help rest my back against the frame, closing my eyes when a wave of sheer pain hit me again. I could feel sweat gliding down my back as well as my face.

"Her Grace," Xavier called me out in concern.

I gasped audibly and could only whisper, "Pain."

"Help Her Grace to the bed, now!" Xavier shouted, and soon the maids carried me towards the bed.

It was getting difficult for me to even sit when the pain was traveling through my entire back, and I felt I would die.

"Please practice deep breathing, Her Grace. I will ask Kingsley to take you to my chamber. I think you are going into labor," with that, he rushed out, and in a few seconds, Kingsley came in.

"Please call Czar," I cried, clutching his collar.

I needed him; I needed his assuring presence around me. The pain was insufferable, and with each passing second, it only intensified. I felt someone was grabbing my spine brutally and was squeezing the life out of it. The room started filling with my screams, and with force, I was holding Kingsley's collar; it was soon torn apart.

"Inform all the maids to move to their quarters; I don't want to see any slaves when I'm out of this room, go, Now!" I heard him bark at the terrified maids.

"Her Grace needs to be treated urgently," the moment Xavier said, Kingsley was about to move but halted.

Another scream escaped my mouth before I started gasping. I didn't know what was happening, but Kingsley looked terrified. He glanced at me and then at Xavier before saying, "We are under attack, Rebels."

I couldn't understand what that meant; all I knew was my baby was in danger, and I blurted out, "Please, save my baby."

"Your study is in the lower part of the castle. It won't be safe; I need to keep Her Grace here only while I control the attack. Tell me what you need, and I will bring them here, and the two maids will assist you," Kingsley said, laying me on the bed.

"Please call Czar; he said he won't let anything happen to me," I begged, gritting my teeth when the pain traveled to my abdomen.

"Her Grace, please, stress will only increase the pain," Xavier said.

I started shaking my head vigorously and jerked my head up with another wave of pain. I couldn't hear what Kingsley and Xavier were talking about, as the pain was all I could feel at that moment. I started rubbing my heels to ease the sensation of being ripped from inside. Another scream left my mouth before I heard Xavier's hurried voice, "quickly get me things that I told you from my study."

"Her Grace, please keep breathing. I will help you as much as I can, but you have to tolerate the pain for sometimes otherwise, it will affect the child."

Czar, please, I need you, I prayed inwardly.

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