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I know he was playing with my mind. I know they both were tricking me. There was nothing like time travel, but what about him being immortal? I can't deny that.

I saw him walking towards me with his signature smirk.

"What do you want from me?" I couldn't help ask, taking back steps.

If it was a one-night stand he was looking for, I was ready for it. I was ready for everything unless I can go back to my home. I regret leaving my home now; I will move back to Dad's house, I will even say sorry to him. I was so wrong to judge Dad, and now I understand why he was so against me going out at night. I failed to appreciate his love and what I saw in the mirror broke my heart. He looked haggard, and I felt a pang of guilt thinking how I always made him stay awake and worry about me. And Jenny, the concern her voice held for me never would have understood if I was in front of them; I would have assumed she was pretending. I wanted to get out of this place by any means and never look back.

I could feel my body going cold, and I didn't need to guess I was trembling horribly.

"Why would I want anything from what is already mine?" he asked.

"Please," I sobbed when my back hit the wall. I shook my head, folding my hands. Never in my life was I this scared, where I was compelled to beg my kidnapper.

"Alexandra," I flinched when he growled.

"You are mine. You were bound to be in my castle since the time I saw you through the mirror the other night. You are mine since the time I marked you on your neck. You are mine since your body accepted my touch and enjoyed the pleasure my finger and tongue gave you."

Now, I wish the ground will open and take me in alive. Whatever he said was now coming back to me. When I felt someone's presence in my room, the bite on my neck, and the orgasm I had, which I assumed to be my wet dream. It was all him, and I didn't even realize. Even though I don't believe in time travel shit he was spewing, I was sure he was a psycho who would never let me go. He wanted to devour my body, and I can't even imagine him inside my virgin core.

I was never among them who were not strong enough to fight the problem and think of giving up on life, but right now, I felt death was better than being in this hell where I don't even know what lay ahead for me in life. On cue, my gaze fell on the fruit basket, and a shiny object caught my attention. He was near to it, and I know I won't be quick enough to grab it before he could guess my move.

As if the stars were on my side, someone knocked on the door, making him halt. His brows furrowed, and then the same smirk was back.

"Bring her in Kingsley," I said.

How did he know who was outside? Who was Kingsley? And about whom he was referring?

The door opened, and a man walked in dragging a terrified-looking woman. When I took a closer look, I realized she was the same maid I hit. My mind alerted me it was not going to end well. My concern was still on the knife and how I could get it without getting caught, but now I had to think why she was brought in and, most importantly, why was she terrified?

The moment she was thrown on the floor, she immediately bowed in front of him.

"His Grace, mercy, please."

"You were supposed to look after Her Grace and not lay on her bed."

My breathing hitched when I heard him say. She was being punished for lying on the bed? That too, when it was not her fault.

"Lord Salazar, I would never do that again," although her head was on the ground, I could see her body shivering. Maybe it was fear, or perhaps she was crying, or perhaps both.

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