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Chapter 23 has been deleted from my backup file and I can't locate the chapter. I'm trying to retrieve it though i don't think it will work. Keeping u guys posted.


Her constant resistance was infuriating me, and I had to face a hard time controlling my rage. She stood before me, but I couldn't see the same desire for me in her eyes as I saw in that nightclub. She was turning out to be more stubborn than I anticipated, and I was one step away from snapping.

I needed her, I wanted her for so long, and when the moment came, I got to see defiance in her eyes. I could read all emotions in her eyes except the one I was craving to see—love. She cared for the lives of human slaves yet, she failed to understand what she meant to me. Her sobs were turning me off, and I deepened the kiss to deviate myself from losing it.

I fought against time to get her, and here she was, running away from me the moment she got a second chance. I had to claim her and seal her bond with me forever, something she didn't understand when I told her, and she only agreed to buy time. Knowing it was her first time, I was painfully slow to make her wet before I entered her, and the entire time the hardon was on the verge of bursting but, the moment I saw the sliver of lust in her eyes when I took her nipple I knew she would soon submit.

The reason why I forced her to look into my eyes was to catch a glimpse of lust which I can exaggerate by using my compelling power. I could see the struggling in her eyes, and smirking inwardly at her feeble attempts, I dipped my finger inside her hold. This was the last straw to her struggle, and she soon came with my simultaneous action.

Licking her juice from over my fingers, I hovered over her when she was still in the daze of her orgasm, and pressing her body with mine with a gentle force, I entered into her slightly. Her face that was contorted with libido changed into pain, and before she could scream out, I shut her with a kiss. I pushed only the tip of my rod, and she was already squirming beneath me in pain. I made all the effort to lubricate her pussy enough to push my cock without much pain; however, it didn't help much.

She closed her eyes and was shrieking, and if not for the kiss, she would have screamed her lungs out. Although it was painful for me, I halted in my action and held her struggling form firmly so that she could adjust to my intrusion gradually. I could have broken her barrier with one thrust but seeing how painful it was for her when only my tip entered her, I had a change of heart.

Only Alexandra could change my heart.

Her face paled with the lack of breathing, and I had to break the kiss. As soon as I let go of her mouth, she ended up in a coughing fit, and I leaned my lips over her ears.

"You need to relax, love," I said, clenching my jaw. With each second inside her, it was turning excruciating for me, yet I held on for her sake.

"Please," she whimpered, once she got hold of her breathing, "you are hurting me."

Her cries were like an arrow to my heart, but the pain was part of claiming her, which I already achieved.

"Shh!" I whispered. She needs to relax her body, or it would turn worse for her if I lose my composure which was hanging by a thread.

"Please," she wailed, and before the tears could trail over her cheek, I kissed them.

Holding both her wrists into one of my palms, I used my free one to knead her breast, which was already sensitive with my previous devouring. I flickered my tongue over the tip of the other, and when she closed her eyes in delight, I pushed myself little inside her, shattering the remaining resistance of her virgin walls. Her expression shifted between pain and pleasure.

She took in a sharp breath and froze when I pulled out my length and the next moment screamed when I thrust it into her core in a single go. Her warm walls spasm around my cock, and I closed my eyes in ecstasy, feeling the pleasure. I let go of her wrist as I wanted to hold on to something to restrain myself from pounding inside her rigorously. By the time I grabbed the edge of the bed into my fists, she had placed her small palms over my chest to push me—as if she would succeed. The force of holding myself made a growl escape my throat, and she immediately quietens, placing a palm over her mouth.

Leaning my head into the crook of her neck, I focussed all my energy on moving in and out of her gradually. Her muffled whimpers resonated inside the room, along with my balls slapping against her core. I took in her smell and started sucking her neck while increasing the pace. Except for whimpers, I didn't get to hear anything from her, and I was not in the state to be considerate toward her. Her grip over one of my shoulders tighten, and I felt her body rubbing against mine with my pace.

I felt her juice around my cock, which only encouraged me to go faster with my movement. I was so lost in the pleasure that I couldn't think of raising my head and looking into her eyes. I kept thrusting inside her and when a muffled cry reached my ear was when I raised my head and looked at her face. Her eyes were closed, but that didn't stop her tears from falling. She covered her mouth, yet her cry escaped, and when my gaze lowered down, I could see drops of blood peeking through her fingers. Maybe she bit her lips to stop screaming.

However, the sight of the blood arisen the beast inside me, and I couldn't help remove her palm harshly from her mouth, the action making her wince in pain with my hold and snap her eyes open. I abruptly lowered my head over her lip and licked the blood like a beast, all the while not bothering to stop pounding her. She might have seen the glimpse of the monster when I saw the fear in her orbs, and she was too frightened to react.

Her blood tasted sweeter than anyone else's. I needed more. My beast instigated my hunger, and my stomach churned with the thirst. I again dipped my head over her pulsating point.

Just a little bit, my beast told me, but I controlled my urge. The result of which made me shove my cock deeper and deeper into her. Soon her whimpers turned into cries. Either it was her blood or her pussy. I knew I was close to my high and kept moving inside her.

She kept murmuring her pleas but could I stop? No. I fisted the edge strongly when I neared my end, and with two deep thrusts, I came inside her while my body shuddered with its delicious after effect. 

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