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The moment I declared, I turned around only to witness her gaping at me with horror.


I called Alexandra out when I saw her frozen in her place and took a step forward, only for her to flinch and raised the knife.

"Don't..." she swallowed hard before adding, "don't move or come near me."

"It was you....you kidnapped me," she said, going wide-eyed.

"Love, let's talk inside our room," I said calmly. I was anything but calm at that moment.

It won't even take me half a second to disarm her, but for once, I was acting out of my character, to be considerate. I was not used to defiance, and the way she had insulted me in front of my guards or the human slaves, if it was anyone else, would have been thrown inside the beast's pit and receive a horrendous death.

"Our room?" she asked, baffled.

"Yes, our room," I said, assertive.

If not for my order, she won't have even made it out of the room. When she barged into the room, I spoke in a low pitch voice, which was inaudible to the humans, and told my guards to oblige to her. I was amused by her brave act and wanted to see how far she went without realizing she was already trapped in time.

"I....don't know what illness you are suffering from, but there is no 'our' between us. Now, show me the way out," I noticed how her hand holding the knife was trembling, but she put up a brave front.

My fury was reaching its peak. First, she was mine to have and mine to see, but now she came in the open, in front of humans and my guards. Second, she was, again and again, defying me.

"Love, we can take it either the easier way or hard. It's up to you, but I would like to inform you," I said, taking steps towards her, to which she took back steps, "you won't like it if I go hard on you."

"Stay away from me," I could see her brave facade falling bit by bit as I kept moving closer to her.

"I'm warning you," she tried to threaten again while her back hit the wall, and her eyelid fluttered with the realization of no way out.

"Or?" I asked with a raised brow. I was standing at arm's length and was amused to see her attempt at attacking me with the knife. Her movement was not fast enough, but I still didn't move or stopped her arm flying towards my chest.

When the knife pierced through my flesh, with me, not moving a muscle or making a noise, as calm as I could, she went wide-eyed. Her grip on the knife's handle loosens, and the next second, she pulls her hand away.

"What..." she murmured, her gaze flickering between the knife in the chest and my face.

I slowly pulled the knife out of my chest without breaking the stare and saw her breathing going labored. Sweat beads formed on her forehead, and I was eager to taste every bit of her.

I forwarded the knife to her stunned form before saying, "Want to try again?"

As soon as I said, I was rewarded with an incessant scream. Her eyes were shut while her palms covered her ears. With a wave of my hand, I dispersed my guards and the slaves. When her scream died down, and she mustered up the courage to peer at me, I placed my palm on the wall, leaning.

She flinched, and that action made her pooled tear fall over her flushed cheek.

"Try with more force," I said and then grabbed her trembling hand, locking her fingers around the handle and strike it over my chest again. This time, she whimpered but didn't scream. The moment I pulled the knife out, still locking her fingers around the handle, she whispered incoherently, "no...no blood."

Throwing a horrid glance at me, she let out a shaky breath before passing out. And just like that, she was lying in my arms again while I licked the tear off her cheek—sweet like her.

I was reckless to leave her alone in the room, but this time, I would wait till she woke up. There were many things I have to inform her and many things she is expected to do, the most important of all—oblige to me.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now