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"I have to go somewhere. I expect you to either eat or rest till I'm back," again a nod was my response.

"Words, Love," Czar said calmly which was anything but calm.

"I will eat and rest," I said in a low voice. His attention was on my lips all the while as if it was the most fascinating thing for him.

"Good," and with that, he squeezed my cheeks and kissed my puckered lips murmuring, "much better."

I kept looking straight even when he stood up from the canape and I heard his fading steps before the door opened and then closed gently. It was then I let out a shuddering breath and let the tear fall down my cheek. This was the moment I was waiting for, to be left alone to dwell at my despicable helpless state.

"Can you leave me alone, please?" I didn't look towards the maids that were trying to make themselves as invisible as possible.

When neither of them spoke and I noted their hesitation I didn't implore, I knew the reason for them to shadow me. I stood up from the couch, but my gaze was fixed on the bed. The same bed, where I lost it all. The self loathe inside me was threatening the bile to form. My conscious on its own; as if playing a video before me, compel me to see myself lying on the bed helplessly under him, while he was pounding me mercilessly like a monster. My cries, my whimpers along with his grunts and growls, I could hear them as if I'm rellving that horrific moment as an audience.

When the bile threatened to come out, I abruptly turned towards the floor length window. When the breeze hit me and I shuddered in reflex, I realized I was sweating profusely. My face was stained with one tear but as I started walking towards the window one tear drop turned into an incessant trail of tears. I needed to let everything out, I needed to let go of the horrific night so that once the negativity and self pity was out, I could think through and make the best out of my worse situation. For now, I let my sorrow engulf me. I kept walking ahead towards the window, looking at nothing yet couldn't help get fixated by the waterfall.

Sensing my intent, one of the maids walked ahead and opened a door through a large window, which I didn't notice so far. She held the door for me and waited patiently still I stepped out and had to gasp at the view ahead. I felt if I raised my hand I could touch the waterfall, even though it was at a distance.

I looked around, as there was nothing much for me to do than to sulk in self loath and get mesmerized with the beauty around simultaneously. The door opens to an enormous balcony that ends with a thick concrete railing. And beyond that railing laid a river that was coming out of the waterfall. Something about the waterfall caught my attention. I turned around and took a panoramic glance of the castle and then the waterfall. I took a heavy breath when I realized it was the same white castle and waterfall that I saw in my dream that night.

I grasped the railing and closed my eyes before the realization would worsen my despair. I couldn't find a reason not to believe whatever Czar or that man told me last night. I wanted nothing but to stop the time and keep looking at the fall. That was the only solace I could find around me.

I didn't know how much time elapsed but a small voice brought me back, "Her Grace, your food is here."

I recognized that voice and abruptly turned to face the same maid from last night.

"How's your son?" the moment I asked she stiffened yet, she replied, "His Grace never goes back on his words. He promised Lady to spare us and he did. We owe our Lady."

I started walking inside but couldn't stop myself asking, "Why don't you all run away from here?"

If not for their lives, I would happily jump from the balcony into the adjoining river.

Although I wasn't expecting a proper reply yet, I was still surprised at receiving no response from her. What was more baffling was her hesitation, like he wanted to say something but one look from another maid she shut her mouth. Letting out a sigh, knowing well they were not the one to answer my question, I sat down on the couch and took a few bites before pushing it away from me.

End of the day, they would be question for everything I do and if I don't, I was not dumb to not understand who would bare the consequence of my action. There was another potion awaiting along with the food and without contemplating I gulped it down the throat. I was intending to go back to the waterfall; however, my body started feeling heavy and the thought of lying down was looking enticing. The next moment, I laid on the couch and my body automatically shut down.

The potion.

Dreamless sleep was what I drifted into which only made me feel groggy instead of relaxing my body. When I next woke up, I was welcomed with the sight of the same maids standing at exactly the same place I saw them before I drifted into darkness. Pushing myself up I around outside the window I noticed the sky was not bright and faint sunlight was indicating the fall of evening.

"Her Grace, your bath is ready," I turned around and blinked at the maid.


However, I got my answer when she said, "His Grace will be back in an hour."

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