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After the meeting with the King, I excused myself and came back to my castle. Instead of going to my room, I changed my track and walked towards Xavier's study.

After 10 minutes, I came out with a content smile. The task I assigned him, he was able to meet success in it; however, he said he needed one important ingredient for the task to complete.

When I walked into my room, I expected Alexandra to be standing at her regular place like every day but was astounded when a maid informed me Alexandra was waiting for me on the same terrace where she first had her supper with me. When I went there, what awaits me was a woman dressed in a black gown, looking ever more exquisite. One look of her, and it was clear she took the effort to dress up for the evening.

Her face broke into a smile when she saw me coming.

"I thought we could spend some time here, in private," she said before I shut her with a kiss.

"Anything, you wish," I whispered after our kiss.

As soon as the maids served her food and wine for me, Alexandra relieved them and asked to give us privacy. I was still lost looking at her beautiful face while sipping my wine.

"Did you like the arrangement?" she asked after swallowing her food.


"I noticed we never spend some peaceful moments like this, where we could talk and share things," she said, cutting her food and bringing it to her mouth.

"Our peaceful moment usually happens in our bed," I teased her while sipping the wine.

"You always distract me or give cryptic answers if I ask you something," she shook her head and continued using her cutlery.

"I told you everything, love—" she interrupted me, "Have you, Salazar?"

My hand holding the wine glass halted in the air, hearing her abrupt attempt to address me as Salazar. I put my glass down and leaned on the table, locking my fingers, "I always do, love."

"Are you sure about it? Is there anything you wish to tell me?" My gaze fell on her hands that were holding the cutlery with force.

Sensing my silence, she scoffs and says, "Well, I have something to ask you, if I may?"

The sarcasm in her voice didn't go unnoticed by me. I knew this conversation would be about what Liam told her last night, and I let her talk.

"Why don't you call me Alexis?"

"I don't like that name. I like calling you love," I said honestly.

"Why do you call me Alexandra?"

"Because you are—" I stopped when she stood up abruptly and interjected, "I'm not Alexandra."

I frowned at her enraged behavior. This was the first time she was acting wild, and I caught a glimpse of the same fire in her eyes. What was running in her mind?

"What's bothering you, love?" I rose from my chair and was walking towards her but stopped when she raised her hand.

"Who am I to you?" she asked in her usual tone, but I caught the hint of desperation in her question.


"Don't give me that bullshit Salazar, I will tell you what you couldn't tell me. I'm your hoe, whom you can take whenever and wherever you want, a slave to fill your seeds into, who would bear your child and when you are done, would be discarded as dirt. Am I right?" her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Oh, I miss the main point. I'm a pathetic replica of your deceased lover Alexandra. You have abducted me from time because I looked like her, and since you can't get her, you compromised with an ugly hoe like me. That is why you never called me by my name. That is why you called me Alexandra because you want to see her in me," saying that, she pulled the necklace harshly and threw it on the ground.

"But let me tell you something, I'm Alexis, a woman who has feelings, who has a heart that aches whenever she is hurt. I'm not your slave, who would warm your bed believing she is special to you. I'm not that woman who would suffer in silence and let you use me as you wish. Most importantly, I'm not a substitute for your old fuck bitch Alexandra."

"ALEXIS!" I couldn't help yelling at her, making her flinch, but she was not the one to back down.

"Yes, now you called me with the correct name," she smiled, but her traitorous tears gave away her emotion.

"Listen, Love, I—" before I could move towards her or speak, my limbs froze, and I had to slouch on the chair.

"You lied enough to me already; you played with my emotions. I gave you my everything, even my heart, but what did you do? You broke it mercilessly. I would have been happier if you were truthful since the beginning and raped me instead, for a child. That pain was far better than what I'm going through since last night," she whispered, looking at me.

"Love," I called her out helplessly, but my body felt heavy, even it was difficult for me to move my tongue as if my mind was shutting off.

Mind shutting off? Verillium!


"Yes, it was there in your wine. I know once you know I know the truth, you would cage me and would tie me to that bed until your bastard would come out of my vagina. I would eventually die if I stayed here. I would go back to my world, Liam told me......."

I couldn't hear her further as I used my remnant of energy to notify Kingsley and ask him to stop Alexandra from leaving. She didn't know anything about this world and would put herself in danger. That was the last thought I had before darkness consumed me.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now