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The moment I spoke, all the heads turned towards me in astonishment. Some scoff, not bothering to hide their disdain, some looked at me in contemplation. I have been talking about an heir to the throne who would be half-vampire and half-human. As usual, Liam was the first to disagree but secretively he had been raping the human girls on the pretext of making her pregnant.

"What you are suggesting, Lord Salazar, does it have a hidden personal motive?" Liam said to twist my words and used them against me. His words were supported by grimace by his loyal followers.

"I have been vocal about my suggestion for a long time now Lord Liam, and my loyalty lies with the King and well being of our kind. Unlike a few, I dont hide and carry out my hidden agenda," I replied with a smirk, hitting him where my words would hit the most.

"Lord Salazar has spoken about it before also," when the King agreed, Liam couldn't help swallow his humiliation.

"We have been talking about its possibilities for a long time and, under my order, Lord Salazar has been researching the possibilities. It's time we make peace with the humans. I need the opinion of the council, do we agree with what Lord Salzar is suggesting or, do we have another way to tackle our problem? I might want to add, human slavery will not work in our favor near future," King Arthur said.

"What if the offspring turn out to be a human and doesn't have our traits? And how can a human womb withstand vampire's seeds?" Lord Rowen asked.

"A valid question Lord Rowen," I said and looked towards the King, "with your permission King, can I answer the question?" I asked the King before proceeding to answer.

"A vampire can produce offspring with a human girl, as we all know. I have been with a wizard, who excels in preparing potions," the moment I mentioned the wizard, everyone sneered. Wizards don't have a reputation of being loyal to anyone except their own kind.

"He vowed to serve me," when I added, I could see an understanding passed through them. Vows are sacred and, if broken, could lead to death.

Taking their silence as approval, I continued, "The potions, if taken in the right amount, will prepare the womb for the pregnancy. It will also ensure the offspring don't get any deficiency or defects. It will have both human and vampire traits. The only concern is at the time of delivery. It will be painful for the human as compared to delivering a human child, hence there is a risk of losing the child as well as the mother while giving birth. However, the wizard is confident that he is preparing a new potion to minimize the mortality."

I told the council the required information but what I didn't tell them was the heir can only be born out of true love. In order for the child to have a balance between both human and vampire, both parents have to consummate on their will and not by force. Only true love between the human and vampire could make the child a perfect hybrid of half-human and half-vampire, a true contender for the throne. I knew Liam was already raping a human girl to get her pregnant and fulfilling his dream to claim the throne; however, he didn't know where he was lacking.

Love was stronger than power; he was hungry for power, hence would never understand what true love could do. The moment my gaze fell on him, I saw him giving his sadist smile, and I knew whatever he was about to spew out of his mouth would be no good.

"Lord Salazar is well prepared this time. I assume the human girl you brought by time travel was the one on which you have carried out your research?" That bastard was goading me again. This gained him the required audience and attention.

My action was frowned upon by the council since I took the risk of going against time and hampering the future. For them, humans were below them but, what they don't realize is the revolt by them, which would be our undoing if not handled before time.

"Can you save the human girl this time?" the moment he said, I started seeing red.

The next second, I jerked up from my chair, causing it to fly, and smashed against the wall. My fangs, already out to rip his throat. He rubbed the old wound and was successful in grating my nerves. As if he was anticipating my move, he was already on his feet, with his canines poking out, when he gave his devilish grin.

"Enough!" King Arthur roared.

His royal guards were already in the position to take us down on his order. With great difficulty, I reigned my anger and bowed to the king in apology. I didn't spare a glance towards Liam, and risk losing my anger again.

"We are already at war with the rebels, I don't want my dukes to fight among themselves and rip each other's throat," he roared.

"I suggest the council discuss among themselves while I will have a word with Lord Salazar."

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now