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She was lying in my arms now, and in a few moments, she would be at her right place—inside my castle, beside me.

Alexandra gave a fight, and if not for my bite, she wouldn't have swallowed the herb and laid unconscious. This world has influenced her so much; she was no more my submissive woman. The entire time I followed her, I noticed she was stubborn and was nowhere like she was before. However, she still has that golden heart; it still made her smile whenever she helped someone in need, and the gratified smile of the owner couple was evidence of it.

The moment she winks at that old man, I was one second away from ripping him, but I knew it was not my world where I rule. A growl escaped my throat instead, and at that precise moment, Alexandra abruptly turned in my direction, but I was quick to hide in the darkness. She might not remember me, but her body, her senses, remembered my presence and kept alerting her.

I patiently waited for the right moment, and soon when she was alone in the deserted alley, I caught her. She kept hitting me or thrashing her limb, and I had to be gentle with her fragile body; if not, my slight force will make her end up in pain. I was losing my patience when she resisted swallowing the herb; my love was smarter now, and I was more than eager to explore her new side. Having enough of her fighting, I leaned over her neck and, with restrained force, bit her neck. She gasped and froze in her place, and the next second she had to swallow the herb involuntarily.

The moment her eyelids closed, I carried her in my arms, placing her head over my chest, and rushed towards the gateway. I no longer needed to be careful about my remarkable speed since I already had for what I came for in this world and would soon be disappearing. There was a bridge where the gateway to my world was still open, which now I know was called the Golden gate bridge. I don't understand why it was named golden when its color was nowhere near to gold.

I reached the same park and carried Alexandra inside the shallow water first. I kept looking out for a whirlpool and soon found it when the water force was pulling towards a certain point. I held her above the water surface, careful of not drowning her till I reached the gateway. We were a few meters away from the whirlpool when I looked at my love.

I was immortal, but she was mortal. I released her legs but held her closer to me by her waist and held her head in my other palm. It will take seconds to reach my world, but seconds were enough to fill her inside with water. And to spare her the feeling of drowning, I did the only solution I got at that moment. I held her head firmly and sealed my lips over hers before diving into the vortex.

The same force pulled me deeper, and I pulled Alexander into me more to protect her from the brutal force. As I already experienced it before, I knew it won't be long when we would return to our world, and soon, the pressure became lighter and lighter. I closed my eyes, and the next, when I opened, I found ourselves floating over the surface. I broke the kiss and then glanced around only to see astounded Xavier at the pool end.

"His Grace.." he trailed, looking at Alexandra as if he couldn't believe I would get her.

Holding her closer, I swam to the edge and then walked out of the pool.

"His Grace, were you being chased?" Kingsley asked, glancing over my torn jeans. I would have chuckled at his thought that my clothes were torn because I was being chased.

"Kingsley, people of the future have a fascination for less or torn clothes. This is what they call fashion," I replied, to which he cringed. He was not impressed with the jeans and the thin T-shirt I was wearing.

"His Grace," my attention was brought to Xavier when he spoke.

"We need to check Her Grace, as you might already face the consequence of time travel, she might also face some changes," the moment he looked at Alexandra, I growled, making him lower his gaze.

"Kingsley, get to him the castle," I replied.

I won't let anyone even look at my love; forget about letting the wizard touch her. However, what he said was also true. If being an immortal, I could face the severity; she was still a human, and I can't afford to lose her again.

"After you, His Grace," Kingsley bowed, and I sprinted towards my castle.

The end of the forest opened to a meadow, beyond which stood my castle. One side of which was covered by mountains with a waterfall. I was elated— it would have been an understatement. I was beyond elated and couldn't wait for my love to see me, to realize she was brought to her rightful place.

As I entered my castle, my guards immediately bowed while the human slaves kneeled; none of them would dare to look in my direction if they are not scared for their lives. Good, I couldn't stand anyone looking at my love and her disheveled state. Lying her on my bed, I immediately called in for the human slave. I was desperate to get her out of her cheap clothes she was wearing before I could let Xavier examine her.

Humans were bred as a slave as well as for our regular supply of blood. Soon, a frightened-looking woman came into my view.

"Arrange clothes for Lady," I ordered, to which she immediately bowed.

She was about to leave when I stopped her again. Something occurred to me when I looked at Alexandra.

"Also, find me someone who knows how to prepare human food." The moment I ordered, I saw her breathing hitched with the realization that I brought a human into my room and was calling her their Lady.

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