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I sprinted out of the water without caring for my drenched clothes. My legs, on their own, started running towards the delicious smell. I felt I have been thirsty since a millennial; although, for a century-old life, I never experienced a thirst this strong.

Your thirst for blood will be severe.

As soon as Xavier's word rang in my mind, I growled in agony and forced myself to halt. My throat was parched, and I had to grab a nearby tree trunk to control my raging inner. I looked around to divert my untamed urge only to find myself standing in a garden with benches placed at some distance. I have always prided my controlling ability, but right now, I was being tested brutally.

It won't take much time, a few seconds, and you will be relieved of your thirst, a voice instigated me.

For the first time in my immortal life, I succumbed to defeat. Instead of challenging my control power, I accepted I couldn't take it and quickly grab the herb Xavier gave me. I hastily placed it on my tongue and let its effect subsided my burning craving. After a few moments, I could start feeling the change. My vein clenched for blood and started loosening. My stomach, which was churning with hunger, gradually relaxed. My parched throat felt moist, and I closed my eyes to focus on my relaxing body. Now I understand what Xavier means.

I was still under the effect of the herb when I started hearing voices. It was coming from behind another tree, from the dark. I looked towards the direction, and the view in front of me would have made me feel disgusted if I was recovering from my raged thirst. A man and woman were snogging, practically eating each other's mouth, half-clothed, rubbing each other. They might have cut their skin because of their rough movement, which led me to smell blood.

The man's back was towards me, but I could guess that he was banging the woman in an open garden with his body's movement.

People of the future are ignorant; what Xavier said was true. How low of them to screw in an open space.

You have to blend it, I recollected Xavier's warning. I had to know about this world to blend it, and from the look of how it was convenient it was for them to relish their desire in public, I had a lot to learn.

I waited in the dark for them to finish. I cringe to read their mind while they are screwing each other. It didn't take long, though; they drifted and walked away in different directions once they finished. I followed the man, making sure to hide in the dark. I noticed the absence of a cloak in his clothing. He is ignorant and foolish, who didn't even realize his pants were torn from different places, yet he wore it—or maybe he was poor.

The more I walked behind him, the more I was astounded with the tall structures with windows and doors, like a block, holding houses one above the other. All the while, I was reading his mind and getting to know what the block was called.

Apartment was the answer to my question. So these blocks are called apartments. I kept following him in the shadows till I saw him opening a door. Before he could shut the door behind him, I dived in through the door, throwing him on the floor with sudden force.

"Who the fu—" he said, looking at me from the floor only to halt in his speech.

"You would know soon," I said, and the next second he froze in his place.

My compelling power made him go into a trance; while I kept staring into his eyes, to read his mind and gather as much information I could about the current world. Once I finished, I hit a nearby lamp over his head, knocking him out for good.

I looked down at that unconscious man; he seemed not to be short but short compared to my tall frame. I looked up and glanced around to illuminate the place. I recollected his memory and realized I have to find a light switch, and there I found it on the wall. The place instantly lightens up.

I could use this place to stay till my time in this world, and with that thought, I tied his limp body to a chair. When I glance around the place, I notice it looked empty compared to housing in our world. No wonder they could accommodate so many houses in an apartment; the size of the house and furniture was evident enough. Even our slave quarters are bigger than the house I was standing in. This was the reason why the room I saw Alexandra in looked plain.

Alexandra, I'm coming for you, love.

I went inside another room and found a cabinet. As per his memory, this is supposed to hold your clothing. I cringe when I see the same torn pants instead of a civilized one and had to dig deeper to find something of my preference. I sigh, realizing the scarcity of decent clothes. I had to wear the torn pants with no option left, which happened to be thicker than what it looked. I picked a shirt, and it was funny to see there was no collar to it. People of the future do have a poor sense of clothing. I sigh.

Changing into the new set of clothes, I grab a key and some papers from the wallet, which, according to this human, was the currency used for trading. I kept my boots on as I didn't find anything in the closet that could fit me.

Blend in—was the sole reason I took the effort to dress as per the new world.

Alexandra, I closed my eyes and called her in my mind. As said by Xavier, as soon as I called out her name, her scent soon hit my nose, and without wasting any minute, I sprinted in the direction.

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