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"Kingsley, you are to keep an eye on this wizard, and if he tries to be clever, you have permission to rip him but don't kill him. Leave him barely alive and let the beast feast on him," I told my loyal guard.

"His Grace, Xavier will never betray your trust," Xavier said.

Humans were slaves to our lot, the Vampires. They were bred in our castles as our slaves, from whom we could get a regular supply of our nutrient, blood. Our world was filled with various beings, some hunting humans like us, some protecting them like the wizards. Although they were weaklings and dared not go against us, one can never be sure when the revolution may begin. They were human rogues out there, refusing to bow down to vampires and are in hiding, finding ways to get rid of us.

We have been wary of wizards; they are marked as cunning beings, worse than foxes, and the sole reason I couldn't trust Xavier. He showed me my Alexandra, but what if he trapped me in his magic and worked with humans? They are never verbal about their allegiance.

A smile crept my face when I recollected seeing my Alexandra—her snow-white skin without any blemish was the same. The same flame mark on her back, the curious brown orbs burning with the same fire. She was still the same, as I saw her for the first time when she was brought to the castle as a gift.

I was brought out of the trance when Xavier called me out.

"His Grace, before you permit me to proceed. I want to inform you about some consequences you might face after time travel."

"And they are?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

I could have read his mind like I do with the humans, but wizards were good at shielding spells, making it impossible for me to read their minds. This was also the reason why I couldn't come to trust him, as his intent was well hidden from me.

"Your thirst for blood will be severe," Xavier replied, with a concerned look.

"What do you mean?" I didn't under the hint of worry in his tone. Does he think a century-old vampire like me, who excels in controlling his cravings, whether it is for blood or fuck, will lose to his whims?

"You will have a strong urge for blood; it might even urge you to kill Lady if you meet her without taking precautions," he replied, looking in his cloak pocket. A moment later, he showed a herb while saying, "You need to consume this herb whenever you can't control the thirst."

"And you seem to be carrying the right herb?" I asked, raising my brow.

"His Grace, this is a mystical herb, and I came to the forest for these. It is used for making many elixirs."

As soon as he said, I took the herb and shoved it in my pocket. My talisman would have alerted me if the herb was a threat.

"His Grace, the people of the future are ignorant. They don't believe in the existence of other beings except them. It is the primary rule of time travel, avoid revealing your identity. Blend in with them," I couldn't help scoff at his words.

"Once the gateway is open, I can only keep it open for seven days. His Grace must return before the time, or else the consequences would be grave. The Lady is a human, and the time travel will be fierce on her and can disrupt her sanity. Use the same herb to put her in a deep sleep before you carry her through the gateway."

I couldn't believe I was a few moments away from meeting my love; however, what Xavier said made me furrow my brows.

"How will I know where to find her? And how will I return?" So far, he told me about going through but not about coming back. I gave Kingsley a look to which he replied with a slight head tilt, not visible to human eyes.

"You will recognize her smell. I will keep the gateway open till the seventh day and will close at the third hour past midnight," he replied.

"My Lord, what should I tell the King about your absence?" Kingsley spoke. He was not only my loyal servant but also a royal guard.

"Tell him I'm out for fulfilling his condition," I replied. I know my father will pardon anything unless I give him what he wants.

Alexandra, my love, no one can stop me from getting you back. I won't let you go this time, whether you like it or not.

Soon, Xavier started reciting spells, drawing his hand in random motions. At first, the air around us condensed, then the wind started flowing wildly, leading some saplings to be uprooted and thrown in random directions. The earth trembled; however, we stood rooted to our spot. The louder he chanted the spell, the greater was the force of the wind. Soon the wind compelled the water surface to drift, and a whirlpool started forming.

Xavier kept chanting, and as soon as he raised his hands up towards the sky, a thunderbolt strike descending towards the whirlpool.

"The Lord of the time...................... The Lord of the water....." he kept saying incoherent words, and soon a flash engulfed us, making us close our eyes with the impact. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw the whirlpool grew bigger; however, it was not moving around wildly as it was moving before.

" His Grace, you need to jump in the pool, this gateway will take you to The Lady's world. And remember the rules," Xavier said, with a raised voice and controlling the vortex with his palm's movement.

I was brought out of my trance when he yelled, "Jump, Now!"

I glanced at Kingsley, and with a nod to him, I ran and jumped into the vortex. At first, the vision was incoherent, making me close my eyes, and if I was a human, I was sure my breathing would have hitched with force. I was being pulled deeper into the abyss. I firmly placed my arms to my side to let the force pull me instead of my resistance, making it difficult for me to stabilize.

I don't remember how much time has elapsed, but when I was thrown heavily into the water, it was when I opened my eyes. I swam to the surface only to witness an enormous bridge stretched over the river. I was astounded at how it stood in the air and was in my cerebration when something else caught my attention—my throat felt dry, my fangs came out without my knowledge, and a strong smell was pulling me, blood. It was the smell of blood.

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