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I saw his eyes closing, and then he fell on the floor, hard. A sob escaped my mouth, seeing him lying on the floor feeble. I have always seen him mighty, and his desperation to talk to me before going into slumber wrecked my heart. No matter how much I tried hating him, I couldn't. That was why I never dated a man because love hurts.

Love? Did I fall in love with Czar?

Last night I decided to take Liam's help and leave this cursed world. I waited for Czar, but he wasn't back, and I slept waiting for him. After the night, I knew I wouldn't be able to touch him, and I wanted to cherish our last night together; although he was playing with me, what I have for him was pure. I wanted to feel him around me; I wanted to live in the beautiful lie he drew around me. Last night was not sex for me; it was my intense feeling for him. It was my way to show how deep he ran in me, knowing well I was already heartbroken. I wanted him to claim me in every sense before I move on.

I wanted to kiss him before I escaped, but time was a constraint. Although I had made sure no one was around us, I didn't want to take a chance and had to go to the teleport room before anyone caught me. With a last glance towards him, I sprinted towards the teleport room. I almost reached the room and was about to turn the knob when someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards my room.

"No!" A loud shriek escaped my throat, and I tried getting my hand out of Kingsley's wrist.

"How dare you touch me! Czar won't be happy when he—" I didn't even finish my sentence when he pushed me into the wall and clutched my throat.

"If not for the order from Lord, I would have ripped your throat for killing His Grace," he growled, and I whimpered when I saw his fangs were already out and eyes bloodshot.

"Kill?" my focus went on to his words even though I was struggling to breathe.

"You gave him verillium. It's poison to a vampire. Just pray nothing happens to His Grace, or you would die a horrendous death, and I will make sure of that," he said, gritting his teeth.

Poison? But Liam said it will put him to sleep.

"I didn't.....I.....he told....." I tried telling him what Liam told me, but his grip over my throat made it difficult to breathe.

The moment I lost hope that he would not loosen his grip, he abruptly jerked away from me and then clutched my wrist forcefully, making it bruise.

"I didn't......let me go...." I cried.

I wanted to see Czar once. I didn't mean to kill him; I just wanted to escape from here.

"I want to see Czar," and the next moment, I was thrown inside the room, the door slamming shut followed by the sound of the door locking.

"I didn't kill him," I pleaded for a long time, yet no one came to my rescue.

I crawled back towards the nearby wall and drew my knees closer to my chest. The same room that felt cheerful with Czar around suddenly looked gloomy. I started drawing heavy breath with guilt and fear, guilt for killing Czar and fear for what lay ahead for me now. For a long time, my ragged breathing was all that could be heard in the silent room. My gaze subconsciously fell on the bed, and the memory of our last night flashed before me.

No, I didn't kill him. I didn't even know what was verillium; with that thought, I started banging the door, pleading them to take me to Czar.

I didn't know when I drifted into sleep, but I woke up with a jerk and let out an audible gasp when the door was kicked open, and two guards came into my view. I cowered into the corner, not blinking, not breaking my stare from them. Afraid, if I blink, they will rip me apart. If I was scared looking at the guard earlier, I was petrified when I saw the king entering the room. His face contorted with fury. Like Kingsley, he too looked like he would waste no time killing me but would prefer to give me painful death.

His arrival means I won't be let off. I know I will not survive, but before dying, I wanted to know about Czar, was he out of danger?

I took a deep breath to control my heart, ramming against my chest, but with intensity, the King was glaring at me; I was sweating profusely.

"Your Highness, how is..." I whispered but flinched when he roared, "You disgraceful woman. Don't you dare speak further!"

"You poisoned one of my best dukes, I treated him like a son, and because of you, his life is hanging. I don't care what he felt for you, but you won't be spared. Kingsley!" he barked.

Kingsley immediately came into view.

"Throw her into the beast pit," with that, he stormed out of the room, followed by his guards.

Kingsley looked satisfied and gave me a sinister smile. The maid's reaction on hearing to be thrown into the beast pit came flashing before me, and I gulped hard when I saw him coming towards me.

This was my end, but at least I would die peacefully if I knew Czar was ok. A snarl from Kingsley brought me out of thoughts. A tear rolled out of my eye, seeing apathy in his eyes.

"Will my last wish not to be asked?" I stammered. This was my last chance.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now