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"Her Grace," a woman called me out.

Wiping my tear with the back of my hand, I replied, "Come in."

A woman, wearing all black, which I assumed to be her uniform, stood by the bed with her bowed head.

"I'm here to take your order, Her Grace. What should I prepare for you?" she asked, with lowered head and holding her arms in respect.

I looked at the closed door and then walked towards her, praying inwardly, she would help me.

"Can I use your phone, please?" I whispered, looked at the door every now and then.

"Her Grace?" she asked.

"I will not tell anyone, please just one phone call," I pleaded, grabbing her joined palms, and to my surprise, she immediately kneeled with my touch.

"Please forgive me," she begged and was not looking at me.

"Please, get up. I'm not your master," I said the moment I saw her trembling. It was me who touched her; then why was she asking for forgiveness?

"You are the Duchess of this castle, I shouldn't have touched you, If His Grace—" I interrupted her, "Your Grace kidnapped me. Please..." I softened my tone when I saw her flinched at my raised voice.

"Please, help me," letting my pooled tears fall over my cheek. I was running out of time, and if she didn't help me, then I will be doomed tonight. I had to escape from this place and find a nearby highway. I can report my kidnapping to the nearby station.

"Order me, Lady," I said again, and I was growing frustrated with her slavery.

"I need a phone," I said. If she listens only to order, I will do the same. I didn't have time to think about her instead of escaping.

"Phone?" she asked again with confusion.

"Phone, what we use to make a call," I closed my eyes momentarily to subside my irritation.

"I do not understand Lady here," she replied, and she flinched visibly when I said with a raised voice, "damn it, a need a fucking phone."

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what a phone is," the moment she said, I couldn't help but march towards her and pull her up from the ground by her shoulders.

"I need to call 911. Do you get me now? I have been kidnapped, and I want to report to the police."

The moment I said, gritting my teeth, for once she looked at me as if I was speaking an alien language. I couldn't afford to waste my time. From the look at the place and his behavior, I shouldn't have expected to be surrounded by normal people.

Think rational, my mind suggested, and I dropped my arms from her. I took a few back steps before inhaling a deep breath. I had to calm my rapid heartbeat and breathing before my mind would open up.

"Very well, turn around," I ordered.

I felt guilty about what I was doing, but the woman didn't leave me any choice. As soon as she heard me, without wasting a second, she obliged. I still couldn't understand why she was not looking at me.

I glanced around and then found what I was looking for—a vase. I tiptoed towards it, making sure she was not looking in my direction. I lifted it and weighed it to contemplate the force I need to use to make her unconscious. A little more force will kill her, and that was not my intent right now.

One hit, and she fell on the ground; I couldn't stop the shivering of my hands with guilt and adrenaline. I rushed towards the door to lock it from inside to execute my plan. My hands were still trembling when I changed our clothes and made her lay on the bed, covering her with the sheet. I was grateful her uniform includes a weird cap around the hair, which was hiding my locks and made me unrecognizable.

I kept my head low, and sucking a deep breath, unlocked the door and stepped out.

I glanced around me to make sure I was alone and started walking towards the step I remembered from my previous encounter. My curiosity was still nagging me to look around when I saw how some women in the maid uniform were being threatened by the guard. I wanted to help them, but one experience was enough for me. The first rule, save yourself and then others.

My heart was thumping, and my palms were sweating profusely with the anxiety, and I had to hold them together to make them stop shivering. I knew the place was enormous, but it still surprised me when I was walking and stealing a gaze here and there to see its beauty.

I had to muffle a cry when I finally saw the main door; however, before I could sigh in relief, I saw two guards posted at the entrance. What exactly is this place?

If I was in a daze, I would have assumed it to be a real castle. I hid near one pillar to think of a way to pass them without suspicions, and to my luck, I saw two maids making their way towards the door, again with bowed heads. I slipped behind them with silent steps and mirroring their posture.

The guard raised his hand to stop them, "Where to?"

"Dungeons." Came the reply in a trembling voice.

Without another word, he dropped his hand, and I followed the two maids when they were going through the pathway behind the castle. A gasp escaped my mouth when I saw a horse carriage and had to hide behind it when I noticed the maid halted in their tracks. The more I walked around, the more I was having vibes of being surrounded in older times; a horse carriage in the era of cars? Seeing no one around them, they continued to walk, and I glanced around. If the castle was enormous, then the meadow surrounding it looked infinite. What was this place? I asked myself again.

Inhaling a heavy breath, I walked towards the meadow only to halt when his voice sounded, "had fun, love?"

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