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I was looking at her and couldn't help recollect how much pain she was in when I entered into her in her previous life. Alexandra, my Alexandra, no matter what, I would make you mine tonight. I waited more than I deserved. Those years were like a punishment for me.

My thought went towards the fact that her human walls won't withstand my penetration, which was also one of the many reasons for keeping Xavier in the castle.

"His Grace—" Xavier said and gulped audibly when I growled at him.

"I will prepare the necessary potions for the Lady," whatever he wanted to warn me about, he chose to tell some other time.

"Stay outside. I still need you," the moment I said, he bowed and stepped out of the room.

It was not difficult to drown the potion into her mouth. She started to stir in her unconscious state when there was a knock on the door. I didn't need to know who it was.

Instead of calling Kingsley in, I ordered, "bring me that slave."

All the time, my gaze was on Alexandra, whose brows furrowed first, then she moved her head a little, and her eyeballs rolled before her eyelids fluttered. She closed her eyes as soon as she opened them and then blinked frequently before her gaze settled on me.

When the realization struck her, she jerked up and started crawling back. I didn't need to know my red orbs had already scared her to the core.

She never learned from her previous encounter and was still looking around for a way to escape.

"Was that fun?" I asked, but I couldn't stop the timbre of growl laced with my words.

"I...I don't want to be here," although scared, yet she chose to defy me.

"Where would you want to go?"

"Home," she replied with a shaky voice. Her eyes were already pooled with fear. I wanted to commend her for her bravery.

"Home? But how will you go?"

"I'll manage," she replied, skeptical about my changed demeanor.

"Even if I let you go, you won't be able to return to your world, love," I replied, still standing at the bedside across her.

"Did you....did you get me to a different country?" Her lips started trembling.

"No," I smirked. A different country wouldn't have been a problem for her.

"Then, I will manage. Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone," her eyes held so much hope that I started feeling guilty, but that was soon gone.

Instead of answering her, I called Xavier in.

"He might be able to help you," I said as soon as Xavier came in.

"Her Grace," he bowed to her, which made her give a baffled look.

"Xavier, why don't you show the Lady what you showed me?" words will not make her understand.

"Certainly, His Grace," he said and started chanting the spell.

Alexandra's gaze flickered between Xavier and me as if we have grown two heads. However, when she looked in the direction of the nearby floor-length mirror, she went wide-eyed. The mirror surface twirled, and soon the faded image became apparent, showing a man.

The moment she saw him, she let out a sob, "Dad." This was the first time where I saw affection in her eyes rather than fear or resistance. I had the urge to break the mirror, but I refrain myself. That mirror was the only source to see her world and make her understand she was not part of it anymore.

"Diana also doesn't know where she is. She didn't attend college, nor was she in the apartment. I even went to the store where she started working as told by Diana. The couple said they saw her walking towards her apartment," I suppose that was her father talking to a woman, maybe her mother.

I saw Alexandra getting up from the bed and strolling towards the mirror in a daze. There was a tsunami of emotions over her face, affection, longing, concern, helplessness, and love.

"Did you file the missing report?" the woman asked, and Alexandra looked at me. Her breathing was uneven, and her pooled tears were rapidly falling.

"We have to wait for 24 hours before we can file the missing report," the man said, rubbing his face, but Alexandra's focus was on me. The color from her face drained.

"Her Grace, that was your world," the moment Xavier said, her head snapped towards him.

"You have been brought into a different era with the help of time travel," he worded his sentence carefully. Indirectly he told her there was no way she could go back from her.

The man and the woman were still talking through the mirror, but Alexandra froze in her place.

"You...you are mad," she said meekly.

"You are lying....there...there's nothing as time travel. He.." she trailed and looked at me, "he told you to lie to me. Please, I beg you. Let me go." Her sobs and hiccups were all that echoed inside the room. The mirror was back to its originality. When she realized the mirror was back, she cried, clutching her gown in a fist. I assumed to stop the trembling of her hand, she fisted them.

"I want to go back, whatever you are telling, to my world," she added when Xavier gave a hesitant look.

"Her Grace, I'm afraid it is not possible now," Xavier replied, stealing the glance.

"I do not believe your shit," she shrieked, yet the fear was still evident on her face.

"You not believing doesn't change the fact, love. This is our time. We rule humans and wizards. And I'm the Duke, and you are my Duchess," I said and walked across the bed towards her direction.

"You are mad; I will never believe you," she said, but I could see her resolve to break. She started walking backward.

"No, Love, I'm not mad. I'm a Vampire," the moment I said, her breathing hitched, and she gaped at me in horror.

"I assume you can believe that as you have already seen, I don't bleed," I added. I saw her nearing the wall, and I smirked at her feeble attempt to stay away from me.

"Don't...don't come near me," her delusion was more significant than her sanity. I wasn't surprised at her reaction.

"You may go, Xavier. Your work is done for now," I said with my back towards Xavier while I was looking at Alexandra. Her body was trembling violently.

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