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My breathing was still uneven due to the kiss when I heard him, "Weren't you supposed to be resting?"

All I have been doing since the time I came here is to be caged in the room, and the only human contact I had was the two maids that stood as invisible as they could. The waterfall was the only solace to escape the imprisonment, not only physically but mentally.

"That's all I have been doing, being caged in the room," I whispered, with my ragged breathing.

Something changed since yesterday; I could feel the dynamic between me and Czar has changed. Maybe he gave me what I had been craving desperately for long; attention. He looks at me as if I'm the only thing he wants, he claims me in the night and in the morning as if I'm his salvation. He holds me as if he is scared I would vanish in the air.

His desire for me, compels me to give him everything. Or the lack of human communication was playing a trick on me, like I started showing the symptoms of Stockholm syndrome. But one look in his eyes, shows only his burning need for me. It sometimes confused me as his love. But I also know that burning fire is his physical need and has nothing to do with emotions.

"I didn't mean to cage you, I'm being precautious. Xavier said the time travel affects mortals and will take some days to completely recuperate. Didn't I promise for a castle tour tonight?" he said while I raised my eyes and looked at him, searching his eyes again.

"Come, let me show you the castle before your supper," he added, before kissing my forehead.

The thought of getting out of the room was exciting enough to keep my mouth shut and follow him out obediently. When I tried escaping before, I couldn't do justice in appreciating the interior of the castle in my escapade. From polished flooring to the enormous chandeliers, the high end ceiling to the artifacts used in decorating the corridor, took my breath away. The view from the room I was into, was nothing compared to the view from the other side of the castle. I could only gape while he manorvir me, giving a tour of the castle and its room.

I was so mesmerized in the beauty of the place, that I forgot how I ended up there in the first place. The moment I thought we reached the end of the castle, he took me to an upper landing and again dumbfounded me with the beauty adorning each corner of the place. The castle was breezing unlike what I had been anticipating a vampire's castle would be. Czar acted like a perfect guide and before I could question, he would answer it. It was him who told that the castle has corridors on all sides to let the light and air whoosh it.

By the end of the tour, my feet started to feel heavy with the walk and it was starting to dark, indicating supper time. I was stunned when I saw Czar took to another gigantic gallery outside where a table with food was set up.

I came out of the trance when he pulled a chair for me and said, "I thought you would like the view from here while eating."

And it was nothing but the truth. The cool wind and the orange tint of setting sun around the mountains at the distant was a view to behold. The fusion of orange and dark blue over the sky gave an artistic view, something which I have fantasized about seeing. I look back at Czar, who was giving me a knowing smile, as if he knew about everything that I desire.

"Your food is getting cold," he said.

I saw him moving his finger at the rim of his wine glass and looking at me, and without thinking, I asked, "you won't be eating?"

"My food preference is different than yours. And, I'm not hungry for now."

The moment he said, the curious cat inside me got intrigued. Living with him for a few days did take a toll on me.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now